Chapter 28

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"Who got them drunk?"
"I did"
"Come on , Barty!" Theodore, Regulus and Evan complained at the same time. It was now late October and the Slytherins had won their first match against Gryffindor for the year , so they decided to throw a big , extravagant party at their common room. The four friends were currently watching Mira and Pandora dance , jumping up and down on one of the common room's couches, having gathered a crowd around them, cheering them on. Safe to say Theodore and Xenophilious were furious. Not at the girls , but rather at the assholes who were practically undressing them with their eyes.
"Come on guys! We always get drunk at this kind of things and they end up having to take care of us. Let them have their fun for once . Lovegood will take care of Dory , so that only leave us with Mira" Barty explained to his friends looking at the girls in admiration . "And by we I mean Nott. Let's go get drunk!" he announced , taking a hold of Evan's hand before disappearing into the crowd , leaving Regulus and Theodore behind them.
"Okay I let her have her fun , now I'm taking her away." Theo said his eyes wide open , looking at every guy drooling over Mira and thinking of ways to kill them .
" You're showing your jealous side, Nott" Regulus commented with a scoff.
"Can you blame me?" Theo asked with a shrug of his shoulders , before storming to Mira's direction.
"Teddy!" Mira exclaimed once she saw him approaching her . Theo put his hands gently around her waist , getting her down from the couch . Mira, being in the state that she was , didn't complain one bit . Instead she slid her hands behind his neck and brought him in for a passionate kiss. "I missed you" she smiled at him once she pulled back, her hands travelling to his hair. Theo just raised one of his eyebrows at her . They had been together all day before the party, the only time they were separated being when he was playing Quiditch at the match that evening. Even after the game they met at her dorm to 'celebrate' . Truth is , being away from each other almost the whole summer, made them want to spent all their time together.The had stopped sneaking around and were now openly being affectionate around everyone , without having made anything official yet. "I gotta say. I didn't think you would last this long." Mira commented , looking rather surprised .
" I've been up here dancing for over fifteen minutes and you just stood there. Should I worry?
"Oh. That's what you...wait . You wanted me to come and get you?"
"Why would I want to dance in front of everyone if it wasn't to get your attention?"
"Merlin, you drive me crazy"

Mira and Theo found their away outside the Slytherin common room and up to their favourite place in Hogwarts. The Quidditch stands . The sun hadn't made its appearance yet so the two teenagers were cuddled up on the seats , looking at the beautiful night sky. Mira had tried to teach Theo the constellations a million times and yet he never managed to remember a single one of them.
"Don't marry her" Mira blurted out, out of the blue. Theo didn't respond, he simply sighed before kissing her forehead . Alcohol was supposed to make your mind hazy and yet she could never see things more clearly. But it wasn't the kind of thoughts that would help anyone if they were to be heard. So she turned around , straddling him before bringing her lips to his with much more force than she ever had. He kissed her back just as passionately . Their make out session went on for quite a while before Mira's hands travelled down to Theo's pants , trying to unbutton them slowly, but he stopped her before she could manage it.
"You're drunk"he stated , giving her a smile.
"It's nothing we haven't done before . It's not like you're taking advantage of me or something" she said taking his face in her hands and going back in for a kiss, but Theo didn't budge this time, instead he pulled back , making her frown slightly. Mira, feeling more stubborn than ever started lightly kissing his jaw , her hands slightly tugging in his hair.
"Okay..." Theo said putting his hands on her hips and fully pulling back to stop her "What's wrong?"
"Christie is a nice girl, and I know you have to do as your parents tell you, and I know there's gonna be a war but...dammit Teddy it hurts so bad" she confessed , her eyes slightly red from both the alcohol and the tears that were threatening to escape . "Teddy" she called his name , taking his face in her hands so he would look at her, something he hadn't dared to do once he heard that the situation was hurting her .  Mira gave him a weak smile. Oh how he loved her smile.
"I love you" . For a moment he thought he had imagined it, quite lost in the trance her smile had put him in . But once he saw her looking into his eyes the way she did , he knew he had heard her just fine .
"Darling..." as much as he had craved to hear those three words come out of her mouth , it was at that moment he realised how many problems they would cause . They didn't have much time left together . It was one thing him loving her and another if they loved each other. Now they would both have to suffer .
"I know" she said , her voice breaking , before wrapping her hands around his neck , burrying her face in the crook of it. Theo didn't waste a second before he circled his hands around her waist, holding her tightly against him . "I know " she repeated and all he could do was caress her hair to show her he was still there. Because he knew that if he even tried to utter a word he would fail miserably. Staying quiet was the right choice. The only choice .
"Maybe we could say it once. And never mention it again. Just to know what it feels like" he suggested after a while and Mira didn't waste much time before she nodded her head eagerly.
"I love you ,Mira"
"I love you too, Teddy"

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