The bet part one

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I was a sixth year slytherin student at hogwarts, we were a few weeks in to the new school year and we had just had two knew students join. Sons of Voldemort Tom and Mattheo. They didn't seem to get along. Mattheo took a seat with Draco, Blaise, Pansy and Astoria while Tom sat near me, Theo and Enzo. I talked a little with him and he seemed really nice. Later that night I was in my down with Theo and Enzo doing homework.
"Sophia you can add Mattheo the list of guys I don't approve of"
"I agree but how come"
"Before I came in here I was talking to Tom and he told me Mattheo tends to use women and play with there feelings"
"What about Tom. Where is he on the list."
"I'm not sure yet. Me and Enzo will keep an eye on him and see what we think."
"I swear im never going to get a boyfriend without you two around"
"We just don't want you to get hurt. You know we have our reasons"
I appreciate how protective Theo is but sometimes it's insane. One day after class a few weeks later proved my point.
"Sophia where do you think your going"
"To Tom's room"
"You know I don't approve of you being alone in a boys room. He's not made it on the approval list yet."
"Theo he's not going to hurt me or do anything."
"Why are you going to Tom's room?"
"To study for the potions test"
"Why can't you do that down here?"
"Because we can't get peace and quiet"
"One hour and I'm coming to check on you" I gave him a disgruntled look and left.
A week later I was walking through the halls when I over heard a conversation. It was Mattheo, Draco and Blaise.
"So you know that smoking hot girl that sits next to Tom in every class"
"Yeah what about her" Mattheo asked
"Well her name is Sophia Nott and we have a bet for you."
"Whats the bet?"
"Convince her to be your girlfriend and date her for at least three months"
"That's far to easy."
"You didn't let us finish. She may be the hottest girl in school but she's also the most un datable girl in school."
"How she's hot as fuck."
"The guy who sits in front of her in class, the one that never leaves her side. Thats her brother Theo. He takes over protectiveness to a whole different level. He has lists of guys he approves off and doesn't approve of. If he doesn't approve you have no chance. She always does what he tells her to. If you even smile at her when he's around he'll bite your head off. He doesn't even let her be alone with any guy without his permission even if he does approve of the guy. The other guy is Theos boyfriend Enzo, also known as Sophia's bodyguard. If Theo can't be with her then he leaves her with Enzo. Theo knows where she is at all times and who shes with."
"Merlin he sounds like a control freak."
"He is. He's fucking insane. You still want to accept the bet."
"Yeah peice of cake."
I stood there angry because of the way they spoke about Theo. He may sound like a control freak but he has his reasons for acting like that with the guys in school. He does it for my own safety and I'm grateful for it. I walked off and got a bit down the next hallway when I bumped in to someone.
"Oh hey Tom, sorry I was miles away."
"No need to apologise darling the fault was mine as well. I was lost in my thoughts. Would you like to take a walk with me." I agreed and we headed off
"I take it you overheard the conversation about the bet and that's why your upset."
"Oh you heard that as well. Yeah it was the way they spoke about Theo."
"So it's not true then what they said about him."
"It is true. Every word was true apart from the control freak bit."
"I knew he was protective but I didn't realise how extreme it was and i dont mean that in a bad way"
"I know what you mean. He has his reasons for acting like that. In third year I was assaulted by a fourth year, then in forth year I was raped by a fifth year. That's why he acts the way he does."
"Well I'm glad you told me. That couldn't of been easy. I hope Theo knows I would never hurt you." I smiled at him. "You made the approval list a few days ago so yes he knows but he will still be careful. After the rape it was Theo that found me in my room covered in blood and unconscious thats why it affected him so badly. The headmaster moved me to a room in the seventh year girls dorms and I've been there ever since. He even put an extra bed in there for the first few months so Theo could stay the night if I needed him."
"That's awful that you went through that. But the fact you are the way you are now just proves how strong you are." I smiled at him "thank you Tom. Let's keep the bet thing a secret for now." I don't want Theo to know yet. I need to make a plan. "I agree, are you comfortable if I give you a hug" I felt myself blushing at the thought of his touch. "Yes that's fine" I let him wrap his arms around me and I melted in to his arms as I breathed in his intoxicating smell. As we hugged I spoke "thank you for asking first that meant a lot, this is the only time you had to ask. You don't need to ask in future" I felt him smile against the side of my neck. "I'll remember that darling, but I'll be careful to not make physical contact with you when Theo or Enzo are around."
"Yeah good idea now let's get back. Theo will already be worried as it is."
We arrived back in the common room to see Mattheo and his friends sat at one couch area and Theo and Enzo sat together on a couch nearby.
"Sophia where the hell have you been I was about to come looking for you."
"Sorry Theo lost track of time"
"The fault is mine Theo I bumped in to her and asked her if she could help me find a book quickly before the library closed and we went for a walk afterwards. We sat looking through the book going over things for the charms test in a few days. Don't want her to fail."
"Don't worry Theo you know I'm safe with Tom."
"I know sis, you know I trust him but I still like to know where you are but thank you Tom for making sure she got back safely" as I hugged Theo I saw out the corner of my eye Draco giving Mattheo a look that said 'see what I mean'.
A few days later I was in the library waiting for Tom when Mattheo appeared. "Well hello there princess" that gave me the ick. I like it when Tom calls me darling but him calling me princess makes me want to gag.
"Dont call me that and what do you want Riddle" I said in a fed up tone. "You know I have a first name right." I scoffed at him "You haven't earned the right for me to use it. Now what do you want." I was getting annoyed now. "I just wanted to have a friendly chat that's all." I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt Tom's presence behind me. "Darling is my brother bothering you"
"Yes he is" Tom now stood in front of me and Mattheo had a look of frustration and anger on his face. I had seen that look before in third year. I grabbed on to Tom's arm and he sensed that I felt uncomfortable. "Mattheo could you please get lost and leave her alone before Theo catches you." Mattheo chuckled " haha you think I'm scared of that pipsqueek." Tom smirked at him "oh little brother how stupid you are. You underestimate him. When it comes to Sophia don't underestimate the things Theo will do to protect her. Now get lost!" He said sterly and Mattheo finally left. Tom put his arms around me and I let a few tears fall. I don't think Mattheo is the kind of guy to assault or rape a girl but the look on his face brought back things I would rather forget.
"It's alright darling your safe I promise." Tom held me tightly to his chest as he rubbed my back. I then heard Theo. Oh merlin help me this will be interesting.
"Hey get off her what the hell."
"Calm down Theo she got a bit upset that's all and I asked her permission before I hugged her." I didn't even let go of Tom. I didnt care that Theo was there, all I wanted was Tom. "Wait. Upset, why is she upset."
"It was just a couple of guys arguing and one them had a look on there face that was the same as the guy from third year when that whole thing happened and it brought back some bad memories for me and I got upset."  I kept a tight hold of Tom. Thankfully Theo didnt want to go off and kill someone. I told Theo I wanted to go for a walk with Tom and he was okay with it so we headed off towards the black lake.
"Don't let Mattheo upset you or frustrate you. He's not worth it." We were sat right next to each other. I rested my head on his shoulder "I won't don't worry." He wrapped his arm around my waist letting me rest my head on his chest. We sat there and talked until dinner.
A few days later I was in the common room alone when Mattheo came and sat near me.
"We meet again princess" again I wanted to gag at that nickname. "What do you want Riddle" where's Tom when you need him. "I want to continue our conversation we started the other day." I looked him dead in the eyes "and I want you to get lost".
"Come on don't be like that princess."
"Little brother do we really have to go through this again." Finally. I began to wonder if one of the boys was ever going to show up. Tom came and set directly next to me so our legs were touching.
"Calm down Tom I'm just here to read my book." He opened his book and pretended to read it. Theo and Enzo came in and sat with us. I was to busy studying with Tom as we wrote notes back and forth to each other of things we couldn't say out loud around Theo. I hadn't noticed Mattheo staring at me. "Hey Riddle keep your sleazy eyes off my sister or I'll gouge your fucking eyes out!" Mattheo just chuckled as he got up and walked away.
The next day I was at the black lake with Tom. He was leaning against a tree and I had my head resting on his lap. He had one hand on my stomach and the other stroking my head as he looked down at me.
"Darling I mean this honestly but you truly you are beautiful inside and outside." I felt my face heat up as I blushed. "I'm glad you think so" I said as we both got up with him taking my hands and pulling me up. We were standing only inches apart and with neither of us thinking it through. We joined our lips together, the kiss was passionate and full of love. Soon tongues were added as we both fought for dominance with Tom winning. We kissed until we were out of breathe. "Darling I have wanted to do that since the moment I laid eyes you." I didn't even bother trying to hide my smile "so have I".  We were both blushing bright red. "Darling I know Theo will kill me for asking this without his permission but will you be my girlfriend?"
I jumped in to his arms "yes I will!"
It started raining so we ran in to the school and ran straight to Tom's room. We both flopped down on his bed in fits of laughter. As we lay there I looked over at him and he looked at me. We entered a kiss that very quickly turned steamy. Our hands were exploring each other and they did wander a few places but that is all that happened. As much as I wanted to we both knew I wasn't ready yet. Instead we lay there kissing and cuddling until lunch time. We agreed to keep our relationship a secret for now. First thing we need to do is deal with this bet somehow. Without Theo finding out.

*Part two in the next chapter*

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