Fake Mattheo

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Mattheo Riddle a boy with many names and titles. Son of Voldemort, the new Dark Lord, most popular guy in school, hottest guy in school, most wanted guy in school but to me he will always be called idiot. I absolutely despise him. I loath everything about him. We have always hated each other, he turned my brother against me then turned the whole school against me. Everyone picks on me, even the Hufflepuffs. So you can imagine my surprise when one day I received a knock at my door from the one and only Mattheo Riddle.
"What do want idiot"
"Well hello to you to, your in a charming mood" Why is he talking so weird.
"I repeat, what do you want."
"I just wanted to say hello and apologies for my actions. It was wrong of me to treat you the way I have been."
"Erm okay... thanks... I guess." He smiled and left without another word. Okay that was definitely not normal. There's something really weird going on with him. I better keep an eye on him. Why do I care so much. Ugh screw this I'm going for a nap.
The next few weeks got weirder and weirder, he kept complementing me everyday and talking to me like we had been friends for years. Its getting creepy now. This is not Mattheo at all. He has to be under a spell or something. I was in the library trying to see if I could find an answer when Theo came storming in.
"What the hell did you do to Mattheo!"
"I didn't do anything. He's been acting weird for weeks, that's why I'm here trying to find an answer. I think he might be under a spell or something."
"Why do you care you hate him"
"I don't care but this new Riddle is creeping me out. I can't believe im saying this but I want the old Riddle back. So either sit down and help me or you can leave." He sat down and we spent the next few hours going through as many books as we could but we had no luck.
For the next few months me and Theo kept meeting up in secret trying to find an answer while Mattheo's behaviour continued to get weirder. He even asked me on a date to which I said no.
That weekend there was a party in the Slytherin common room. It was a few hours in to the party and I was a bit drunk but still sober enough to remember things. I was headed to my dorm to change my shoes because my feet were killing me but I wasn't done dancing yet so it was time to change from heels to some comfy flats. I just got in to the hallway where my room was when I was grabbed by someone. It was Mattheo. He pinned me against the wall and started kissing me. I managed to shove him off a little.
"Get off me idiot!" He was to strong and I was once again pinned against the wall the rough kissing continued and his hand went in my underwear. I tried to scream but he made sure I couldn't. He pulled me in to my room, ripped my dress off and pinned me to the bed.
"You know my dear as much as you look stunning in that purple dress it looks better on the floor." He said as he removed my underwear. He then proceeded to do anything he wanted without my consent, no matter now much I begged him to stop. After the ordeal was over he left my room and I was laid on my bed naked, bloodied, bruised, shaking and terrified. After an hour I got up and had a shower, put on some comfy clothes and headed to Theo's room. I know we don't get along but right now I need him. I knocked on the door and as soon as he opened it I broke down in tears. He pulled me in for a hug then I felt my legs give way. Thankfully Theo was already holding me so he picked me up and carried me to his bed. He sat me on the bed and put his arms around me trying to calm me down. When I was finally calm I was able to tell him what happened.
"I'm going to kill that peice of scum."
"Theo thats not Mattheo. That's someone in a polyjuice potion. That's why we couldn't find anything. We were over complicating it."
"How can you be sure"
"When he was doing it, he called me 'my dear' but whenever Mattheo is being annoying he always calls me princess and nothing else. He also complimented my purple dress but he hates purple. The real Mattheo would have insulted me, which is why I specifically chose purple to wear tonight. Also the real Mattheo would never gave done that to me. He may hate me but he would never force himself on me."
"If that's not Mattheo then who is it and where's the real Mattheo?" We were left with more questions than answers. It's been a total of six months of fake Mattheo and we still can't figure out who it is or where the real one is. I was sat in the library one afternoon a few weeks later when Malfoy came running in telling me that Mattheo just tried to kill Theo. I ran after Draco and upon arriving in the great hall I saw Theo covered in blood and the now real Mattheo being held by ministry guards while he kept saying it wasn't him.
"He's telling the truth minister it wasn't him."
"Don't be so stupid girl there were witnesses."
"Theo did Mattheo leave the hall after trying to kill you?"
"Yeah he did then he reappeared a few minutes later."
"Exactly as I thought. Minister for the last six months the Mattheo that has been here wasn't the real Mattheo. Me and my brother have spent the last six months trying to find the real Mattheo and find out who the fake one was. If you'll allow me minister I'll like to explain to you what happened but first Mattheo a question. What's the last thing you remember before coming in to the great hall after the attack on Theo"
"The last thing I remember was arguing with you about Theo"
"Mattheo that argument happened six months ago." I thought for a few seconds and now it all made sense. "Minister his memory has been wiped but I can prove he is innocent."
"I'm intrigued to hear your thoughts Miss Nott"
"Six months ago Mattheo came to my dorm apologiesing for the way he treated me over the years and the way he was talking I knew straight away something was wrong. I decided to keep an eye on him and see if anything else happened and his behaviour got even more out of character. He would compliment me everyday and always be nice to me and even asked me out at one point. I said no and at that point I knew something was off. I thought he was under a spell so with Theos help we started looking but came up empty handed. A few weeks ago there was a party in the Slytherin common room. After a few hours I headed back to my dorm to change my shoes. In the corridor outside my room I was grabbed by Mattheo. He pinned me against the wall and started kissing me. This made me realise this could be someone in a polyjuice potion. After me struggling for several minutes he dragged me in to my dorm at one point during the attack he called me 'my dear' the only nickname Mattheo has ever called me in princess. He also complimented the purple dress I was wearing. Mattheo hates the colour purple and would of happily insulted me. After that he proceeded to rape me but I..." I felt my voice start to break. Theo came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder "you don't have to say anything else about it if it's to hard to talk about." I'm starting to get my old brother back.
"No I need to say it. Im not ashamed of it and it was a monster looking like Mattheo that did it so he deserves to know everything and the minister needs to know as well." I saw a tear in Mattheo's eye as our eyes locked on to each other he gave a comforting smile which gave me the strength to continue. "During the attack I realised that something was missing. That signature strong cologne that he always wears. The same cologne he's wearing right now. He wasn't wearing it for the last six months but during the attack I smelled a person I had been around before. The smell was familiar but I couldn't figure it out. That is until I heard a conversation between Draco and Theo and that's when I  realised I knew who the polyjuice person was."
"Well Miss Nott thats quite the story but who is it?"
"It's not a story minister its all true. I wouldn't lie about being raped. The polyjuice person was Lucious Malfoy and he's standing right over there." I pointed to a darkened corner of the hall and in the shadows stood the fake Mattheo. He tried to run but was quickly grabbed by Draco and Potter.
"Well well Miss Nott it looks like your polyjuice theory was correct and once it wears off we will know if it is Lucious or not."
"Get off me! Your a disgrace and a disappointment Draco!"
"Don't talk nonsense Lucious. Draco is twice the man you'll ever be!" I spat at him
"It's definitely my father." Draco looked saddened as the realisation hit him. After ten minutes the potion wore off and the truth was revealed. Turns out Lucious was angry that Mattheo won't follow in his father's footsteps so he was trying to anger him in to doing it by getting everyone to hate him. Lucious was quickly taken away to Azkaban and Mattheo was released. I left right after, needing some air after all that.  I was outside for about fifteen minutes when Mattheo came and sat next to me.
"Thank you for saving me Sophia. I don't know why you would help me considering you hate me"
"I don't hate you entirely. I hate that you turned Theo against me but that's pretty much all I hate about you. As annoying as you are I missed the real you."
"I wish you didn't have to go through what he did to you. I don't know how you can look at me after that."
"After I realised it was someone in a polyjuice potion it's like my brain blurred you out. All I could see was a black shadow on top of me. I don't see the attack when I look at you. I don't blame you. It wasn't you. I know that you would never do anything to hurt me. We may argue a lot but I know you would never hurt me."
"I would never even consider harming you. I've actually been protecting you from the creeps of the school for the last few years."
"Wait so all the guys that suddenly got beat up after bothering me, that was you."
"Yep that was me. I do care about you Sophia, a lot. I just hope you can forgive me for everything I've done."
"There's nothing to forgive and I care about you as well."
"Can I give you a hug?"
"Yes and you don't need to ask for consent anymore. I am grateful that you asked the first time though." He opened his arms and I happily went in to them.
Over the last few months of the school year we grew closer and we became a couple. The first time we had sex he was gentle and always asked for consent before doing anything. It made it a lot easier for me to not be scared and I felt safe. We both had trauma to deal with as a result of what happened. He stared to get his memory back and had to deal with the memories of the torture Lucious put him through but together and with Theo's help we both got through it.

Me and Matthro got married and had eight kids. Theo and Draco both came out as gay and fell in love. They got married and adopted three kids. The four of us and all eleven children live in one house together. Mattheos dream was to have a big happy family and now his dream has come true.

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