Ch. 10: No Help pt.1

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One day Marie is in the area where it's smaller size of the main yard, Marie is sitting at the picnic table waiting and she's the only one there then Joan, Juice and Stella walks up to the door of the fence Joan opens the door and Stella rips off card swipe machine and they walk in and they shut the door behind them Juice and Stella puts a picnic table in front of the door and they walk up Marie

'Are you sure you want to do this?' Joan asks

'Yeah I'm sure' Marie says

'I don't know if this is smart or stupid on your part?' Juice asks

'I guess we will find out when Kaz finds out but in the meantime let's get this over with' Marie says, she gets up

Allie walks outside into the yard and she sees what is going on her eyes get wide she turns around and runs back inside she runs in their little hang out

'Kaz, Juice's crew have Marie trap outside in the yard next to the exercise cage area' Allie says, Kaz looks at her in shock and panic, she stands up

'Show me now!?' Kaz yells

'I'll get the governor' Rita says

They leave and everybody runs outside and they see Marie up against the fence getting punch in the stomach over and over again

'Come join the party!' Juice yells, Stella chuckles

Then a bunch of guards runs out, they run out of the main yard gate not caring about leaving it open Kaz and the others follows them the guards are trying to unscrew the door as fast as they can then all of a sudden Rita and Ruby jumps off of the roof onto another picnic table and they make the landing they get down then Juice and Stella runs up to them and they start fighting

'Oh let me do it!' Boomer yells

She walks up to the door and grabs it by both sides and screams as she literally rips the door off it's hinges and throws it down on the ground and everybody looks at her in shock

'Nice work Jenkins' Vera says

'It's what I'm here for' Boomer says, Vera smiles

Lou and Mandy climbs over the picnic that's blocking the doorway and they pick it up and moves it everybody runs in while Rita and Ruby has Juice and Stella on the ground Mr. Jackson tases Joan but it doesn't work she doesn't fall down so Officer Miles sparys her in the face with mace and Joan screams and she falls down finally, Kaz runs up to Marie

'Hey, Hey, I'm here now' Kaz whispers

'I need a ambulance at wentworth prison now!' Vera yells, through her walkie talkie, Marie puts her bloody hand on Kaz's cheek

'I love you' Marie whispers, before going unconscious

'Babe, babe' Kaz says, she gently starts slapping Marie's face

Everybody is standing there in shock of how badly Marie is injury Kaz looks at Vera

'Where's that damn ambulance at!' Kaz yells, with hurt in her voice

'I need that ambulance now!' Vera yells, in her walkie talkie

Finally the ambulance shows up and they take Marie to the hospital with Mr. Jackson since she's still a inmate


In the cafeteria Everybody is sitting at their table trying to process what just happened while Kaz is pacing back and forth in front them

'I know that Marie has done horrible things in the past we all have but she didn't deserve this' Allie says, Kaz stops walking and looks at them

'Who was supposed to be with her?' Kaz asks, as she walks up to the table, nobody answers

'Who was it!?' Kaz yells, Boomer slowly raises her hand up

'I was supposed to be with her' Boomer says, everybody looks at her in shock

'But the weird part is that she told me that she wanted to be left alone to think at first I wasn't going to let that happen but somehow she talked me into it and I shouldn't have listened to her, I'm sorry Kaz, I'm sorry' Boomer says, she looks at Kaz then she starts crying

Kaz's blood starts boiling then she picks up a chair and throws it across the room Allie gets up and walks up to her and hugs her, Maxine and Liz hugs a crying Boomer

'Shhhhhhhh, she's going to be ok' Allie whispers, Kaz hugs her back, then Vera walks up to them

'I hate to interrupt but I have some news on Marie' Vera says

Everybody looks at her and Kaz wipes her tears away and walks up to Vera

'How is she?' Kaz asks

'She has three cracked rips on her right side, her right shoulder is separated, her right arm is broken and she has a black eye on her left eye, it's going to be a while until she's recovered but the main thing is that she's alive, she's stable and talking, she told me why they did what they did but she told me not to tell you until she's back' Vera says

'That's good, thank you governor, I'll go tell the others' Kaz says

'You're welcome' Vera says, she leaves and Kaz walks up to them and tells them Marie's health update

'I wonder what she's hiding from us' Doreen says

'Whatever it is she knows it's going to change things around, is what my guess is' Allie says

Kaz just sits there trying to figure out what is going on inside of Marie's head


Later that night Boomer is in her cell drinking alcohol from a shampoo bottle then Kaz stands in the doorway

'Hey' Kaz says, Boomer looks at her

'Are you here to give me my punishment?' Boomer asks, Kaz chuckles and sits down beside her

'No, no, I didn't throw that chair because of you not being there for her, I threw it because my girlfriend decided to take matters into her own hands' Kaz says

'Why did she do that for?' Boomer asks

'I don't know but we are going to have a long talk with her after she comes back' Kaz says

'How long will that be though?' Boomer asks

'A couple of months at least' Kaz says

'Thank God it wasn't too serious' Boomer says

'Yeah, same here' Kaz says

Then Reb stands in the doorway with tears in his eyes with Lou behind him and they look at them

'I just don't want to be away from her' Reb says

Kaz get up and hugs him and he starts sobbing and Boomer goes back to drinking out of the shampoo bottle, Kaz looks at Reb

'Hey, Hey, look at me' Kaz says, Reb looks at her

'You're going to stay in her cell until she gets back that way you can be close to her, I'll talk to the governor about it tomorrow' Kaz says, Reb nods in agreement

'Ok um Lou take him to Marie's cell and I'll be right there' Kaz says

'Yes ma'am, come on love' Lou says, they leave and Kaz turns to look at Boomer

'Aw Boomer, pace yourself' Kaz says

'Cheers mate' Boomer says, she holds up the shampoo bottle  up in the air, Kaz chuckles and as she walks out of Boomer's cell

'Doreen you're in charge of Boomer tonight!' Kaz yells

'Aw man!' Doreen yells, everybody laughs

As Reb is laying on Marie's bed still awake he can see her smile and hear her laugh, while the others are having a good time Reb and Kaz can't bring themselves to do so

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