Ch. 56: Bea's Dark Side Pt.2

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In Bea's cell, Bea is pacing back and forth thinking about who could have attacked Spike, Allie and Kaz are sitting on her bed with their backs against the wall

'Ok, calm down, let Marie come with a plan because she knows how to deal with these things' Allie says, Kaz chuckles

'Well, you're not wrong there' Kaz says

'Well, we already know who did it, but how can prove it? It was them' Bea says, as she still continues to pace

'Who are you talking about?' Kaz asks

'Joan's crew, aka Stella and Juice' Marie says, she stands in the doorway, everybody looks at her

'That actually does make a lot of sense if you really think about it' Allie says

'Joan probably told Spike to put that knife in the sink, and if she didn't, they would probably beat her up for it' Bea says

'If only I stayed in the kitchen to make sure that she had back up' Marie says

'How was you supposed to know that they were going to do that to her or to you even' Allie says

'Yeah but I had a gut feeling that something fishy was going on, and normally I do go with my gut feeling, but this time I won't make that mistake twice' Marie says, everybody looks at her

'What do you have plan out now?' Bea asks, Marie looks at her

'I have a secret weapon that will tell us who did it in a few days' Marie says

'You put a spy in their group!?, are you insane!?' Kaz whispers

'Relax ok, I told the other top dogs and they know what is going idea, besides this person owns me a couple of favors and I trust them to do this job because they have done it before' Marie says

'Rita?' Allie asks

'No, Ruby' Bea says

Marie smiles evil like, and Bea smiles back at her the same way, Allie and Kaz looks at them and then looks at each other

'We're doom' Kaz says, they look back at Bea and Marie


A few days later, Bea is in her room putting a pillow case over her pillow. Then Marie stands in the doorway, and Bea looks at her

'It's time' Marie says

Bea throws her pillow on her bed and follows Marie to meet Ruby, they walk up to Rita, who's keeping watch in an undisclosed location

'She's already in there' Rita says, Marie and Bea walks in Ruby looks at them

'Things just got a little bit more complicated' Ruby says

'How so?' Marie asks

'You are about who attack Spike, and I know why they did it too' Ruby says

'And this is where the complicated part comes in at' Bea says

'Yeah, the reason why they attack Spike was because they thought that Spike would lag on them to you, Marie.' Ruby says, Marie looks at Bea

'I think it's time to have a little chat with Joan and them nicely first, then if they still don't get it, then we can be more aggressive towards them' Marie says

'This is why you're the smart one because I would just went in there with a bunch of our girls and start beating the crap out of them' Bea says

'Oh please save that for the main course so we can all enjoy it' Ruby says, they laugh

'Again, thank you for taking this risk for me' Bea says, Ruby smiles

'It's fine because being undercover is like a second nature for, first is fighting' Ruby says

'Oh, well, if you were on this side, you would perfectly fit in' Marie says, Ruby smiles, Marie looks at Bea

'Shall we go?' Marie asks Bea, Bea looks at her

'Yes, let's shall' Bea says

'Thanks again, Ruby' Marie says

'No problem' Ruby says, they leave


It's yard time. Marie stands at one end of the yard, and Bea stands at the end of the yard. Everybody notices this and stops to look at them

'What are they up to?' Allie asks

'I don't know, but my gut is saying that this is about to get serious real quick' Kaz says, Everybody watches as Bea and Marie walks up to Joan's table

'You guys are scaring the other women' Joan says

'We don't mean to, it's just we wasn't born yesterday we know it you are the who attack Spike' Marie says

'And thanks to you guys, she's in a coma so she wouldn't tell who it was anyway, hell she wouldn't do that if she was awake' Bea says

'So what are you going to do about it since you know it was us?' Stella asks

'Nothing yet, we're just here to warn you guys stop messing with Spike because whatever escape plan or drug plan that you guys got going on, we don't want to get in the way of it, you know why it's because it's none of our business' Marie says

'Let this be your final warning because if not you're going to wish you guys were in a different prison in a different state, that's not a threat that's a promise' Bea says, she walks away back to medical, Marie looks at them

'If I were you guys, I would take it seriously because I haven't seen Bea like this since she killed Brandon' Marie says, she leaves and follows Bea

'Well, no fireworks this time' Boomer says

'I wonder what that was all about' Allie says

'Whatever they said to them made them a little scared after what Marie just said' Lou says

Everybody knows how Bea was after she killed Brandon Jac's son, who made Bea's daughter Debbie overdose, basically killing her without getting caught until Bea found out, and all hell broke loose

'Is it just me, or does anybody else feel like whatever that just talked about going to make Joan's crew more determined to do it' Boomer says

'Probably but hopefully not involving us in it' Allie says

'I haven't see Bea like this since she killed Jac's son and Jac too' Lizzie says

'That was hell for a couple of weeks, or was it months?' Boomer asks

'Why did Bea do that for?' Reb asks

Boomer and Lizzie takes turns of how everything in that situation got started and ended too

'Oh God, now it makes why Bea is protective of Spike for because she doesn't want the same thing happen to Spike like it did with Debbie' Allie says

'She already lost one daughter, she doesn't want to loose another one' Lizzie says

As the day goes the energy in atmosphere has changed, Spike isn't in a coma Bea and Marie only said to put Joan's crew minds at ease, Spike is healing up recovering nicely unfortunately for Kimberly she's still the same, we'll find out more about her in the next chapter

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