Ch. 17: The Return

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One day out in the yard Kaz, Lou and Mandy are playing basketball with some other inmates, since Marie's emergency surgery Reb hasn't been in the mood to do anything and he's just sitting on the bench against the wall with his hood up

'Poor Reb' Liz says, Boomer looks at him then turns back around

'Should we do something to brighten up his spirits?' Boomer asks

'Lou has tried everything but nothing has work' Maxine says

'Kaz seems to be in good spirits since Marie's surgery' Doreen says

'Yeah when she's around other people she's fine but I hear her crying in her cell when she's alone' Bea says

'Poor Kaz too' Bea says

'Lou says that Reb has been crying every night too' Maxine says

'It sounds like they both have separation anxiety' Liz says

'That could be it too' Bea says

'Oh by the way Bea where's Allie at?' Boomer asks

'She said she had to go to the governor's office for something' Bea says

Boomer starts looking around and she sees something passing the fence on the other side

'Oh shit!' Boomer yells

Everybody stops what they are doing even Kaz and them and everybody looks at what Boomer is looking at even Reb does and everybody sees Marie walking with Allie and Rita heading towards the fence door and Marie has brace on her Marie's right wrist

'Thank you for coming to help me back here' Marie says

'You're welcome, why didn't you want Kaz or Reb to come and get you instead of me?' Allie asks

'Kaz saw me in pain when I left I didn't want to traumatiz her anymore then she already is and Reb I know that he's sensitive so I want to protect him as much as I can' Marie says

'I say those are good reasons' Rita says, Marie and Allie smiles

They get to the fence door and Rita swipes her card and opens the door

'Thank you' They both says, they walk in

'You're welcome' Rita says

She shuts the door and everybody is staring at them

'Well this awkward at all' Marie says, Allie chuckles

'Anyway who should I go to first?' Marie whispers

'I would say Reb first he's been having a more difficult time with all of this than Kaz has' Allie whispers

'Ah gotcha you, you go tell Kaz I'll talk to her later on' Marie whispers

'Got it' Allie says, she leaves and walks up to Kaz

'After she gets done talking to Reb she'll talk to later on in private' Allie says

'Sounds good' Kaz says

They watch as Marie slowly but surely walks over to Reb and sits down

'Oh god, it never gets easier to sit down with stitches in your side' Marie says, Reb chuckles

'Wow that's the first time in a long time that I have seen him smile' Lou says, Marie looks at Reb

'Well you certainly changed your tune from what I heard' Marie says

'Separation anxiety, I just hate being alone I know I have Lou and everybody else but if you or Lou or anybody else is gone for too long then that's when my separation anxiety kicks in' Reb says

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