Ch. 36: Protection

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One day Kaz is making tea and Allie stands behind her Kaz can feel that someone is standing behind her and turns around scared

'Fuck!' Kaz says

'Sorry I couldn't stop thinking about Marie either' Allie says, she walks up to her

'Do you want some tea?' Kaz asks

'Nah, then I'll be up all night' Allie says

'Come on let's sit down' Kaz says

She sits down at the head of the table and Allie sits down beside her

'Man what is taking them so long to get back?' Allie asks

'Well Spike is in the hospital, so it must be something really important' Kaz says

'Yeah that's true' Allie says

Then Officer Stewart and Marie walks up to the security gate that can let the inmates go in and out of their units

'Oh thank God, they are back' Allie says, they look at them

Officer Stewart unlocks the security gate and let's Marie in, as Marie walks in

'Thank you Officer Stewart' Marie says

'You're welcome Marie' Officer Stewart says, he leaves

Marie watches him leave to make sure that he actually does leave Marie walks up to Kaz and Allie

'What did Spike want?' Kaz asks, Marie sits down across from Allie

'Spike asked me for protection' Marie says

'From who?' Allie asks

'From May and Boomer, don't worry she's not going to lag, she's just scared is all' Marie says

'Why is asking you for protection?' Kaz asks

'Well she's scared of me and she knows nobody will dare cross me' Marie says

'Ok but that wouldn't take you guys that long to talk about it' Allie says

'We had to do paper work before we left because of the lock down' Marie says

'Something about Spike asking me for protection seems off' Marie says

'How so?' Allie asks

'I don't think she wants protection because of May and Boomer but I do think that it's because she is scared of someone else but I just don't know who and why yet' Marie says

Marie starts thinking of who it can be, Kaz and Allie looks at each other, Kaz looks at her tea and starts thinking too, Allie puts her chin on her hands and starts thinking too, they don't look at each other either while they are thinking


Later that day in the Governor's office Kaz, Marie and Spike are in there talking about what has been going on lately

'Ok first off, why do you my protection for?, you have your crew that will protect you right?' Marie asks

'Actually it was my idea' Vera says, Marie and Kaz looks at her

'I know about your reputation is like and there's a threat that is going on the outside of the prison about Spike' Vera says

'What kind of threats?' Kaz asks

'When coming into the building someone started to shoot at Spike for some reason' Vera says

'That explains the lock down again' Kaz says, Marie looks at Spike

'Do you know why?' Marie asks, Spike looks at her

'Yeah because of my big fat mouth' Spike says

'Well that explains the beatings that you have gotten recently too' Kaz says

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