Ch. 47: Program pt.2

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Kaz, Allie, Bea Lou and Mandy are in the gym waiting on the kids to arrive but Marie is with Mr. Jackson and other officers are making her idea to come to life

'Did Marie tell you what her idea is?' Allie asks Kaz

'No but she did say when she is making this idea come to life that it's not going to scar the kids just push them away from what life is like here' Kaz says

'I feel she's making a documentary' Mandy says

'That's what I was thinking too!' Lou says

'If she is making one then Vera must really trust her to do this' Bea says

'She also said that it's not going to hurt the prison just her reputation maybe' Kaz says, they laugh, then Rita ans Linda walks up to them

'Ok so the kids just walked in and there's seven of them and they already have records but they are on the boarder line of actually going to prison' Ms. Miles says

'Well hopefully Marie's idea works' Mandy says

'From what we just saw we're glad that we're on this side of the law' Rita says

'Well there goes scaring them out the window' Lou says

'Honestly I think this is one of Marie's best ideas yet, and that's saying a lot' Ms. Miles says, they laugh

'Me and a couple of other officers are going to show them around the prison and meet some of you guys, Rita is going to stay here and give you guys the run down on the seven kids that just showed up, then we will come here' Ms. Miles says

'I just want to take one of them right now and shake her, and say is this where you want to be at' Bea says

'There's one that you might connect with unfortunately because she reminds me of Debbie in a way especially when she was coming here to visit you' Ms. Miles says

'Drugs?' Bea asks, Linda nods yes

'Damn it!' Bea says

Allie puts her hand on Bea's shoulder, Bea walks over to a table and sits on it

'I'll let you handle it from here, I'll see you guys later' Ms. Miles says

'I feel like this is going to be a emotional next couple of days' Kaz says

Everybody agrees on that, Kaz looks at Bea as Allie walks up to her and comforts her

'Ok so Ruby wants you guys to stick with the years that you guys had before, they are not changing your guys years again, it's just a scare tactic to show the kids like hey is this what forty years looks like in prison' Rita says

'I think we can work with that' Lou says

'Ok so here are the names and what they have done so far' Rita says

'Ok lay it on us' Mandy says

'Gabriel sixteen shop lifting over a hundred times, Madison fifteen also shop lifting, Summer sixteen selling drugs at school, Melissa sixteen attacking teachers at school, Jessica fifteen fighting at school, Megan fifteen also shop lifting, Kimberly fifteen fighting with parents that become violent' Rita says

'Jesus Christ man' Mandy says

'These kids needs some serious help' Lou says

'I think Summer is what Ms. Miles is talking about' Allie says

'Yeah but hopefully I can get through to her' Bea says

'I think we are just the leftovers and Marie is going to be the main course' Kaz says

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