Ch. 28: Surprised Attack

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It's Friday meaning it's the weekend so that also means that the inmates don't have job duties like doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, etc, Marie is in the kitchen cleaning the big metal table that's the only that she has to clean and she's by herself, she has her back turn facing the door then all of a sudden someone hits her from behind and she hits her forehead on the corner of the table and falls down and the person writes down something on the table in Marie's blood then leaves, Mandy and Reb are walking down a hallway and Allie turns the corner

'Where's Marie at?' Allie asks

'She said that she only needed to clean the metal table and she will be done so she let us leave to spend time with our girlfriends' Mandy says

'Alright I'll check on her, you guys can head to the yard that's where they are at' Allie says

'Ok thank you Allie' Reb says, Allie walks around them and they keep on walking

Allie walks in the kitchen and sees Marie laying down on the floor and she runs up to her and bends down

'Marie, can you hear me?' Allie asks, Marie is unconscious

'We came back because we feel like something was off' Mandy says, Her and Reb walks in the kitchen, they see Marie on the floor

'Mom!?' Reb yells, they run up to them

'She's unconscious, Reb go get Kaz she's in the yard, Mandy help me take her to medical' Allie says

'Um guys, look at this first' Mandy says

They stand up and walks over to the table and stands beside her and in Marie's blood 'I'm back! -Sheila'

'That can't true!' Reb says

'Unfortunately I think it is true' Allie says, they hear Marie coming to

'Reb go get Kaz now!' Allie yells, he runs out of the kitchen

'Mandy help me with Marie' Allie says

'Got it' Mandy says

They walk up to Marie and they bend down, Marie slowly sits up

'Marie, can you hear me?' Allie asks

'Yeah, I can hear you' Marie says, she looks at the blood on her hands

'Why am I bleeding?' Marie asks

'We will explain later, come on we gotta get you to medical, Mandy grab that towel please?' Allie asks, Mandy grabs it and hands it to her

'Thanks, ok I'm going to put pressure on it' Allie says

'Ok' Marie says, Allie puts the towel on the would, Allie looks at Mandy

'Can you pick her and carry her to medical while I have the towel on her head?' Allie asks

'No problem' Mandy says, she picks Marie up and they go to medical


Out in the yard Kaz is hanging out with the others where the picnic tables are at under a roof shelter structure

'Kaz!' Reb yells, he runs up to her

'Whoa, slow down, what's going on?' Kaz asks

'It's mom she's in medical she just got attack Allie find her' Reb says

'Alright let's go' Kaz says, they leave

As they are walking towards the medical room

'How bad is she injured?' Kaz asks

'I don't know for because when she was coming to Allie sent  me to go find you' Reb says

'And you guys no idea who attack her?' Kaz asks

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