Ch. 38: Rumors

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There's this rumor going around the prison of Kaz and Marie having a secret love affair in the old prison before coming to wentworth, Kaz and Allie are in the storage unit standing face to face

'Hey, are you ok?' Allie asks, Kaz looks at her

'I just want to know who started that stupid rumor and knock some sense into them' Kaz says

'Normally you're not this worked up about a rumor' Allie says

'Yeah but don't forget there's this short blonde girl that I'm dating who I'm dating with a lot of anger issues and if someone just looks at her the wrong way, all hell is going to break loose' Kaz says, Allie chuckles

'Is there any truth to this rumor?' Allie asks

Kaz starts thinking about something

'Damn it!' Kaz says

'What's wrong?' Allie asks, Kaz looks at her

'The other day me and Marie made this joke about what we did in the old prison before coming to wentworth' Kaz says

'And this person must have heard it and turned it into a rumor' Allie says

'Exactly and whoever started it is going to pay for it' Kaz says

'Ok now you sound like Marie' Allie says

'Oh god I am' Kaz says, she puts her head down and Allie chuckles


In Spike's cell she's drawing and she sees a shadow standing in the doorway and looks at it, it's Marie, they have been getting along quite nicely for a change

'Oh hey' Spike says

'Hey' Marie says, she walks in

'Have you and Kaz figure out who started that rumor?' Spike asks, Marie sits down in front of her

'No and I don't think we will because nobody is going to lag on anybody so I'm not worried about it, there's going to be a different rumor tomorrow about something else' Marie says

'Well you know that I won't do something stupid like that' Spike says

'Because you're scared of me' Marie says

'Exactly' Spike says

'Eh you don't have to be scared of me anymore, as you can tell recently that I have been calming down lately' Marie says

'And Bea won't let you hurt me either' Spike says

'That too, anyway what have you been drawing these pass couple of days?' Marie asks

Spike shows her and it's a picture of the field across the prison

'Wow, this is really good' Marie says, as she looks at the drawing

'You think so?' Spike asks

'Yeah I do, how long have you been drawing like this for?' Marie asks, she looks at Spike

'Since I was thirteen' Spike says

'Four years, because you're seventeen now?' Marie asks

'Yes that's correct' Spike says

'You and Bea have another thing in common' Marie says

'She draws too?' Spike asks, Marie looks at her

'Yeah, she didn't tell you that' Marie says

'No, she didn't' Spike says

'Well probably because she doesn't draw as much as you do, you should show her this actually' Marie says

'I will once it's done' Spike says

'Well I'll leave you to it' Marie says, Spike smiles and Marie gets up and leaves


Kaz walks pass Boomer's cell and then stops turns around and walks back to it stands in the doorway and sees a sad Boomer sitting on her bed

'Hey love, are you ok?' Kaz asks

'It's my fault' Boomer whispers, in a sad voice

'What are you talking about?' Kaz asks, she walks up to her and bends down in front of Boomer

'The rumor about you and Marie' Boomer whispers, in a sad voice

'Oh' Kaz says

She realizes that she can't hurt Boomer because one she didn't know any better and two she's her friend too and Boomer is May's daughter too

'I'm sorry' Boomer whispers, in a sad voice

'Hey, hey, hey, it's ok, you just misunderstood what was said that's all' Kaz says, Boomer looks at her

'Yeah' Boomer says

'Back in the old prison before coming to here to wentworth we were enemies, so we made this joke about what we did in that old prison that you heard us talking about, now I can see why you think we had a love affair' Kaz says

'Honestly I'm not surprised that we didn't have one' Marie says, they look at her and she's standing in the doorway

'What makes you say that?' Kaz asks

'Well you have to admit that there was sexual tension between us even before we got together' Marie says, she walks up to them

'I can still feel it between you guys' Boomer says, they both blushes

'Anyway we're not mad at you, just next time that you hear something that doesn't add up between us just come to us and tell us, ok' Kaz says

'Yeah I'll do that, I don't want that one to come after me' Boomer says, she points at Marie, Kaz chuckles

'Well I'm that mean anymore' Marie says, Kaz stands up, Boomer puts her finger down

'Only when you need to be' Kaz says

'Exactly' Marie says

'Jenkins you're needed in the laundry' Officer Stewart says

'Ok, I'll see you guys later' Boomer says, she gets up

'Bye love' Kaz says

'Kaz make sure that one gets back to laundry too, it seems like everybody is disappearing from their work duties today' Officer Stewart says

'Ok no problem' Kaz says

'Thank you' Officer Stewart says, he and Boomer leaves, Kaz and Marie looks at each other

'That's weird normally it's just maybe one person leaving now and then but everybody all at once' Kaz says

'I just came into the unit because we ran out of clothes, I just wanted to see if anyone had dirty clothes and bedding, that's another thing too, today we ran out of clothes after the second load' Marie says

'Huh that is odd, you don't think someone is trying to escape?' Kaz asks

'No because why would they take their prison clothes and bedding too, unless they are going to use it for rope but all the windows have bars on them and the roof is closed off too' Marie says

'There's no riot going to happen either, what the hell is going on' Kaz says

'I don't know but I feel like it's not going to be anything good either' Marie says

'Let's try to find some things for you guys to wash and I'll go see what is happening in the kitchen' Kaz says

'Alright' Marie says

They go around to all of the units and finds some things that they can wash and Kaz walks Marie back to the laundry and Kaz goes back to the kitchen and so far nothing has been disappearing from the kitchen yet and nobody knows why things are disappearing for but they will eventually find out why things have been disappearing

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