Chapter 65: Verdict

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 Lust's passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes

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Lust's passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes.
~ Marquis de Sade

Scarlet hair, soft lips, and fiery green eyes.

Yoongi seemed to be haunted all week by a certain rebel hacker he would like to do many unspeakable things to. The thought of Marcella was gnawing at the edges of his mind with a mix of distrust, awe, and raw desire.

He leaned back in his leather chair, glancing at the surveillance footage of her on his screen. The way she moves, the defiant tilt of her chin, the fire in her eyes—it's all a maddening dance that makes him question everything. She was still at the office. Today was the day she would have to deliver. He should be anticipating the plans, yet he just anticipated her presence.

When he had pressed his lips against hers, he didn't expect the intensity of his desire , he just wanted to scare her. What was even more shocking was that Marcella had returned the kiss. He expected a war, yet she yielding to his touch.

But did she want him, or was she merely being complacent? The question twisted in his mind like a knife. This vixen for a woman has managed to infiltrate his thoughts for good. A task not at all easily managed.

Did he break her resolve, or is she cleverly biding her time, using the new position he handed her to her advantage?

He considered Scarlet to be resourceful, cunning, and far too intelligent for her own good. Yoongi knew that underestimating her could be his downfall. She was an enigma he admired and stalked at nights her brother worked late. Each night he was fighting the growing impulse to sneak up the fire escape ladder and have his way with her.

He thought the fascination would wear off after a week or so, but the more he watched her - even when she was avoiding him, seemingly cowering in fear - the more he desired her. Her body, her submission, her complete and utter surrender.

His phone buzzed, pulling him out of his thoughts. A call from Jimin, informing him that Marcella had completed the task he assigned her. Efficient, as always.

A cruel smile tugged at his lips. He decided it was time for another test, something more personal, tailored to her weaknesses. If he couldn't break her, no one could.

He put down the glass of whiskey he was holding and stood up to head towards the dungeons.

"Bring her to me," he ordered, voice cold. He would find out if her kiss was a sign of submission or a calculated move in this deadly game they were playing. And if it was the latter, he would crush her.


His patience wore thin as Ghost continued to taunt him with his brazen defiance. His mocking laughter filled the room, even as he was subjected to increasingly brutal methods, yet Ghost's high tolerance to pain only seemed to fuel his determination to break him.

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