Chapter Two

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"Did you smoke again?"


Beomgyu huffs, crossing his arms against his chest and blocking the entrance to their house. "I can smell you, Prick. You know I hate it when you smoke." He pouts and his eyes are downcast.

Kai looks at him and sighs. He pushes Beomgyu gently to try and go inside the door but the older insists. "You promised when we were younger that you will do anything for me, so why can't you quit?" he presses, genuinely upset.

"Is the smoking really what bothers you, Hyung?" Kai asks tenderly. "It sounds like you're overshadowing."

Beomgyu presses his lips into a straight line, annoyed. He wraps his jacket tighter to his body and gives Kai a blank stare. "My little brother had his first day of college and suddenly he's giving me a psychological assessment." he spits sarcastically, and Kai rolls his eyes at his brother's dramatic response.

"I'm just asking, Beom Hyung." he says not above a whisper. "Can I come in?"

Beomgyu scrunches his nose in a manner that Kai assumes is supposed to be angrier, but he just finds his Hyung rather cute when he's worried about him. Which is almost always, considering Kai does what he does for a living.

He brings out his hand. "Give me."


"Your packet, give me."

Kai laughs. "I can buy a new one you know."

"I don't care." Beomgyu seems rather serious, so Kai digs his hand into his coat pocket, reluctantly pulling out the gold and black, little box and hands it to Beomgyu who takes it and throws it on the floor, smashing the packet with the heel on his house slipper, making sure to disfigure it properly until its unsalvageable.

He looks up at Kai. "Now you can come in."

"What are you doing up at this hour?" Kai walks in the spacious apartment, taking off his coat leaving him in only a turtleneck.

Beomgyu slumps on the couch, deliberately ignoring Kai's question by putting his headset on and grabbing back the game controller. He gives Kai a glance that says, "I'm still mad at you." He starts another game of LoL.

On the table, Kai sees a couple of dishes covered in a steaming plastic cover. He sits at one of the chairs, locking eyes with Beomgyu he mouths. "Thank you." to which Beomgyu returns with a very strong middle finger.

He digs in.


Taehyun's roommate is no other than Choi Soobin, his best friend since middle school. He crashes the older in a hug as soon as he walks past the door, relieved to have at least someone familiar in the horror that is college.

"Got lonely, did you?" Soobin laughs, ruffling Taehyun's hairs until they are a messy, red nest.

"Yes." Taehyun buries himself in Soobin's chest. "Orientation was a nightmare, I arrived early because whoever planned this campus wants to see me suffer and everyone was looking at me like I was an utter weirdo."

"Like." Soobin jokes, then yelps when Taehyun smacks him across the shoulder. "Ow, you're mean."

Taehyun lets go of the hug. "I'm going to have some new friends, right? I mean, I'm not that helpless that in 4 years I won't have anyone but you, right?"

Soobin contemplates. "I guess if it was anyone else asking, I'd say Yeah of course."

Taehyun glares. "I really do hate you."

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