Chapter Forty-Eight

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Soobin points at him with a fry in his hand. "You know," he says. His elbows are planted on the table pushing the books aside. "You are kind of stupid." he bites into a yellow long fry and watches Taehyun pout at him.

He lifts his legs on the damp bench and brushes the fallen leaves from the tree that landed on his thigh. "I think that is kind of mean to say." he retaliates. "Why is that?" he asks anyway.

Soobin shrugs, closing the book in his way and setting them in his bag as they are done studying for the particular break between their classes. "Poor thing has been almost burnt in what scarily resembled a burning ritual from the 1600s, witches and whatnot... "He clicks his tongue. "And you are on his case for not remembering a call that happened presumably before someone drove him into a parking lot wall." he picks another fry from the paper bag and dips it into the pile of ketchup and mayonnaise. "I thought you had more sensitivity in you, Tae."

Taehyun sighs. "I do... it's not that... "he bites his lip and plays with a stray leaf in his palm. He feels scrutinized by Soobin's judging eyes. "Stop looking at me like that!"

"Okay... "Soobin raises his arms and shakes his head. "So, what is it?" he asks before getting attacked by a strong blow of wind and a small water drop on his cheek. He gets up and collects the papers from the wooden table. "We should get back inside."

Taehyun nods and helps him get everything into their bags.

"I think... "he begins when they head to the nearest building to search for shelter from the upcoming rain. "I think I'm worried," he pauses again. "About it being a one-time thing."

"Him saying I love you?"

Taehyun nods once again. "I can't really tell with him, what he truly thinks or truly feels. But when he told me that over the phone... "his tone turned dreamy. "Hyung, it's the most candid I've heard him. To think he might never say that again, and remember that he said it. It bothers me."


"It's almost like it never happened."


Things has been complicated for the two brothers since the moment they've met. At first, it was dislike of having to share their lives and parents with someone else they barely know, and from then it rolled into something much more tangled than any of them could have imagined.

From two regular boys hating their family situation to two brothers who only had each other and couldn't look in one another's eyes at the same time.

To this. And the wary dance continues.

"Are you going to ignore me today as well?" Kai huffs. "Hyung," he calls.

Beomgyu pulls the winter blankets from the closet in the bland room. He flinches and bites his tongue.

It's hard to breathe. But he's sure what he is feeling is not half or even a quarter close to how he's made Kai feel over the years. "I'm not ignoring you." he carries the blanket to Kai's bed and covers his brother thoroughly. "Why haven't you asked the nurse to get it for you?"

"You haven't said a word yesterday."

Beomgyu tucks the blanket into the gaps between the bed and the bedframe, he looks down, suppressing his tears. He's worried if he opens his mouth, he'll say something he'll regret.

He always does.

"Are you mad?"

Surprised; Beomgyu shakes his head. "Of course, I am not... why would you think that?"

"Because I'm once again in your life when I shouldn't be. I didn't keep my promise." Kai says in an empty tone. He huffs and looks down. "You should have let him kill me."

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