Chapter Seventeen

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They toast in celebration—espresso shots, of course. Taehyun is not one for alcohol. He buys Soobin a crack-pie as a thank you for his tutoring and they eat as they talk about their next assignments and what movies they should watch over the weekend.


He has no classes left, so he sends Soobin to his and walks around campus for a while. He approaches the gym buildings. As expected, he sees a line of white smoke fading in the darkening skies. It's only 6PM yet the sun is nowhere to be found.

It's cold, he wonders if he should have stopped by his dorm to fetch a jacket to put over his hoodie.

"Hey." he says as he exits into a roof, already knowing where to find Kai. He has a laptop resting on his knees, typing rigorously. He puffs his cigarette, taking a long breath. "What are you doing?" Taehyun sits by Kai.

A report on behavioral changes from what he can tell by reading the words on the screen.

"I'm occupied." is all Kai says in response.

Taehyun crosses his legs. "Oh, sorry. S-should I leave?" he suggests, worrying he might be meddling with Kai's education that is so highly important to him.

"It's a public roof."


Kai looks at him, putting his cigarette butt away. He sighs, going back to his report. "You're welcomed to stay, although I don't see the point in that." his voice is barely over a whisper. He types and types, occasionally exiting the word document to search for a few key words and articles on the chrome page. He clicks start on an audio lecture by a specialist, listening intently before pausing it and adding a few comments on his report.

Taehyun follows his actions with his eyes, something about Kai working calms him down. They sit in total silence aside from the typing and the voice coming from the laptop. Kai yawns.


He takes a few seconds to respond. "Yes?"

"Never mind." Taehyun retracks, he gets up quietly. Kai's eyes are suddenly on him, curious.

"You're leaving?"

Taehyun hesitates. "I'll be right back." he says, walking past the roof door. "don't go anywhere.

As he promised, he returned 20 minutes later with a to go cup of coffee. Kai whips his head in his direction as soon as the door creaks open. Taehyun shakes the hand holding the iced americano. "Coffee fix."

He placed the cup to Kai's side and sat down once again.

"it's for you." Taehyun clarifies just in case Kai has it mixed up like before. "You seem tired, have you slept?" He touches Kai's hand briefly and the other reacts with a hitch in his breath.

Kai takes the coffee. "I have. Thank you."

"No problem." Taehyun notices the screen of Kai's laptop is shut off. "Are you not going to continue?" he asks, genuinely wondering.

"It's done."

"Oh." Taehyun smiles. Clapping his palms quietly, celebrating. Kai can't help but feel somewhat endeared at the kind gesture. He sips his coffee quietly, lighting another cigarette. "It's an unusual lighter." Taehyun comments.

A lighter that doesn't light.

Kai only nods. "Secondhand smoking isn't great for you-" he takes a puff. Changing the subject smoothly. "Shouldn't it concern you?"

"I hope you quit someday." Taehyun replies. "But to answer your question... I think I enjoy the scent of the smoke. It's different from other packets. It's not bitter, not sharp. It's pleasant."

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