Chapter Three

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"Hyunnie... wake up."

Soobin strokes his hair, a concerned look on his face. His eyebrows furrow and downcast when he notices the tear streaks going all the way down Taehyun's neck. "Did you cry?" he asks when he sees Taehyun slowly open his eyes, fists the blanket in his hands and pulls it above his head, kicking Soobin away.

"No.." he mumbles from beneath the blanket. Hoping Soobin will leave soon so he can wash his face.

Soobin sits on his bed instead. "I know you since you were about the height of three peanuts, I can tell when you're crying." he nudges the pile on the bed that is Taehyun. "Come on, what happened? You can tell me anything, you know."

Taehyun sighs. "Just a bad dream, probably." he peeks his head out the blanket, looking in Soobin's eyes to see if he bought the lie. "Really, I'm fine." He gets up and stretches, trying to seem... well, fine.

He leaves for the bathroom before Soobin has the chance to interview him further, he locks the door and breathes out in relief.

"What classes do you have today?" Soobin wonders from behind the bathroom door, his voice is only slightly muffled.

Taehyun cleans his throat, splashing his face with cold, sink water. "Chemistry in an hour until 12, then I have a 2-hour window and an evening lecture about sociology, I think. Why?"

"Good." Soobin hums. "You are having lunch with my friends and I."

Taehyun pauses with his toothbrush stuck in the side of his mouth. "What?"

"Lunch... "Soobin repeats slowly. "You, My friends, Me. It'll be good for you, plus they're really friendly and I'm sure you'll like them."


"You were the one that complained about not having any friends." Soobin argues.

Taehyun face palms. "You make it sound so bad."

Soobin walks back and forth in the dorm room. "It is my duty to make sure your college life does not suck ass, therefore, lunch at 12;30, I'll wait by your class at 12."

Taehyun spits the foam from his mouth and rests his hands on the sink. "Fine... "he says. Technically, Soobin is right. Taehyun just hates to admit that.

Soobin claps his hands together in glee. "Fan-tastic! I'll fetch you then." He grabs his bag from his bed. "Don't be late to class again."

Miraculously, he arrives just in time.


His morning course flies by and before he knows it, Soobin waves to him from the clear windows, Taehyun ignores him for the rest of the 5 minutes left to his class. He packs his things as slow as he can, leaving him the last one in the room. Soobin rolls his eyes at the blatant attempt to delay the undelayable.

"I'll drag you by the ankles." he warns.

Taehyun closes his eyes. "Fine... fine, I'm coming." he slings his bag on his shoulder and drags his feet across the classroom, giving Soobin a pathetic "I don't want to." look to maybe try and slip from the arranged lunch.

"Oh... "Soobin huffs, putting an arm around Taehyun and rushing them down the hall. "Would you stop whining?" he says. "10 minutes, if it's so bad you can leave in 10 minutes, but you have to sit with us that much at least."

Taehyun has no choice but to silently nod. Maybe Soobin is right, maybe it won't be that bad.


And to his surprise, it's quite the opposite of bad. When they first enter the cafe, the first person he sees sitting at the table Soobin's leading him to is the same guy who helped him find his way around during his very first day. Beomgyu... was his name if Taehyun remembers correctly.

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