Chapter Four

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Kai slides his new packet of cigarettes into his coat pocket, he clicks his lighter one or twice before it zaps the tip to burn, and he inhales the sweet killer air into his body. He lines the sides of the smooth lighter with his covered fingers.

He'll have to buy a new battery soon; the current will soon run out.

As he blows the smoke out, he catches a glimpse of his target. He distinguishes the reddish orange tip between his fingers and slips the cigarette bud in his pocket along with the lighter.

He proceeds with cautious, light steps. The target just left the convenience store, approaching a more dim-lit street.

Perfect, Kai thinks. He opens his phone, comparing the photo his brother, Beomgyu sent. It matches, even a blind person could tell the two were the same.

Kai looks back and finds his opening after 3 or 4 minutes of tracking the man. He lunges, locking the man's throat with his arm around him. He drops the bags in his hands, choking. He taps Kai, begging for him to yield the grip.

He does, in favor of pinning the man against the curb, folding one of his arms uncomfortably behind his back. He pulls.

The man yelps, coughing from lack of air. "What-" he erratically breathes out. "If it's money... "he assumes Kai wishes to rob him, but Kai has more malicious, vengeful intentions. "I can give you my wallet if you let me go." he's near tears. "Please, let me go."

Kai tsks his tongue. "Sounds familiar, does it?"

The man writhes beneath him, confused. "What?" He wonders if someone is playing a joke on him. "What are you talking about? I'll call the police! Let me-"

Kai grabs a fistful of whatever hair the man has left on his head and smashes his forehead dipper into the asphalt, shutting him up. "Two weeks ago, you and three others lurked behind a student returning to his campus." Kai digs his knee into the man's back when he tries to wriggle his way out of the tight hold Kai has on him. "He gave away his wallet willingly, yet you continued to violently assault him."

"I didn't-"

"Oh... But you did. And I'm here to deliver an eye for an eye."


Kai sprays some mint refresher into his mouth hoping that'll do the trick. He airs his coat and checks his breath before stepping inside of his house.

He sneaks in, taking off his shoes at the entrance and slides into a pair of slippers. It smells of honey and spices. "I'm home." he announces. There's shuffling in the kitchen, the sound of a pan sizzling.

Kai tries to keep his body from cringing.

A pair of feet runs into the living room. Beomgyu is in comfortable wear, managed to take a shower and proper dinner after arriving from his late class. He looks nervous, almost apologetic. "Did you, do it?" he asks quietly.

"You know I did."

He nods, smacking his lips. "You know I wouldn't ask unless-"

"You didn't have to ask, Hyung." Kai presses his lips in a tight smile. "I care for Yeonjun too, even if from a far. Even if he's unaware of my relations to you, even if he is clueless about my identity. My existence."

A flash of hurt passes in Beomgyu almond eyes. "You know it doesn't have to be like that."

Kai smiles ironically, taking a seat at the dining table with his back facing Beomgyu. "Don't be ridicules."

"I'm not-"

"This conversation is over." Kai's voice is sharp, leaving no room for debate. He rests his head in his hands. "I'm starving, Hyung." His voice softens. "Can we just have dinner now?"

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