Chapter Thirty-One

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True to his word, the first thing Yeonjun does after brushing his teeth and washing his face is grab a pair of shoes and drive Beomgyu to the college dorms.

In retrospect, maybe he should have waited with that until emotions could come down from their high. Perhaps if he waited until Beomgyu wouldn't have been this affected by tonight then he would not have needed to stand beside while Beomgyu strides towards Kai with a scrunched face.

"Are you fucking-" Beomgyu pushes his palms forward and pushes Kai's chest. He huffs. "-Kidding me?!" he yells, hitting Kai again and again. The boy stands still; indifferent. "Do you how worried I was!?" his face crumbles into an ugly expression of both anger and catharsis. "How could you do this to me?! Do you hate me that much?!" He throws allegations in in brother's face.

Taehyun swallows his concern from the side. His hand lets go of Kai's. He inches closer to Soobin; distancing himself from the mess. Beomgyu is terrifying like this.

Hands hold him back from behind. "Beoms, stop," Yeonjun says, dragging him away. He looks around for spectators, but the hallway is empty. At least that.

"We're going home." Beomgyu comes to a resolve, his eyes radiate fury. "We are going home," he repeats, breathing deeply. His dark eyebrows rest straight above his eyes; sharp. Still.

Kai nods, and it's the first in many hours that Taehyun sees him responding in any way to another person. He hands Beomgyu his coat; the other looks through the pockets until he finds the keys to the black Cadillac. "Put your shoes on."

Taehyun shakes his head. "He came with no shoes on, Hyung." He finds himself gathering enough courage to say to the already angry boy.

"I have a spare." Soobin offers. He opens the dorm room, coming back only 2 seconds later with slippers in his hand. "You must be the same size as me," he says, and it makes sense since they are only a couple of inches apart in height.

"Let's go." Beomgyu orders. "Thank you for taking care of him," he tells Taehyun, and he leaves without another word, dragging Kai behind him.

He killed our parents, Hyung.

"What on earth happened to the driver's seat?"

He killed our parents, Hyung.

"You smoked, again. Kai, it smells like a bonfire in here." Beomgyu seethes. "Just get the fuck inside." He sits behind the wheel, shaking with anger. "I can't believe you."

He killed our parents, Hyung. "You are mad," Kai says as a matter of fact.

"Of course I'm mad, Kai." Beomgyu swallows his fury. "Of course, I'm fucking mad... "He presses harder on the gas and trains his eyes on the road; he can't even bring himself to look Kai in his eyes. "Can you even begin to understand how much you mean to me, you little shit? Do you even perceive in that empty brain of yours the damage; how devastated I would be if something happened to you?" His breath quickens and he stops in front of a red light. "Why on earth-" he yells. "Would you not pick up my calls? Why on earth would you smoke this much when you know it's bad for you!?" He picks on the dead skin around his nail while his other hand turns the wheel to the side.

Kai stays quiet.

"Of course I'm mad, Kai... " Beomgyu's voice trembles. "Would you please, just-" he sighs. "Would you please just stop?"


Beomgyu bites his shaking lip, swallowing his tears. "Why not?" wetness coats his lash line. "Kai, let's just stop now. Okay?" he cries quietly, the tears fogging his vision. He wipes them with his sleeve. "I saw the bullets in your drawer, Kai."

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