Chapter Forty-Six

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"Thank you." Soobin accepts the glass of water with a grateful nod. they sit around in the police lobby, waiting for any news. Hiro had come to them a few seconds ago and asked if they could follow him to the break room.

the three of them sit at the very far back corner of the room around a small rounded table that is tilting slightly to the left. Yeonjun drinks his water eagerly and sets the glass aside.

Hiro puts his elbows on the table and intertwines his fingers together; locking and pulling knacks from his hands. "Our detective, Fuma had detected a suspect on our drive in the woods. The suspect drove into a nearby lake in an attempt to escape." he says and his eyes narrow down. "Jack Harrison, a professor in your college has been missing for over a month now."

"Right," Soobin confirms, not sure where the conversation is going.

"What's interesting is, he is the suspect Fuma had caught tonight. We found a gallon of benzine in his car and traces of blood in his trunk."

Yeonjun blinks twice, comically. He looks at Soobin and Soobin looks at him; baffled. They turn their gaze to Hiro and Soobin shakes his head briefly and rests his hands on the tipping table. "I'm not sure we're following," he says. "Mr. Harrison is dead." he reminds Hiro then tilts his head to the side subtly and scratches the back of his neck. "... No?"

"Him being in the interrogation room, alive and breathing says otherwise." Hiro's face is blank.

Soobin licks his lips and looks down, unknowing just what to say. He opens his mouth, then closes it again. "This is crazy," he mutters.

With tightened lips and tense jaw, Hiro inspects the two of them, looking back and forth between Yeonjun and Soobin before rubbing his mustache with two of his fingers. "Now," he begins. "The blood is currently being tested but we are almost certain it belongs to your friend, Kai Huening. Jack's car even has a tend on its front suggesting he was the one crushing into the black Cadillac. The question that lies here is, what relations did the two have?"

Soobin glances at Yeonjun and the other appears just as conflicted. The gears in his head are moving fast as Hiro watches them stay completely silent.

"Do you know anything?" he asks. "If you do, it's best to tell us."

"There was this recording-" Soobin blurts out and Yeonjun whips his head in his friend's direction; his eyes are speaking for themselves when they tell him to shut the hell up. Soobin shrugs; nudging his chin in the direction of Hiro as to say He's a cop, what do you want me to do?

Hiro's mouth twitches ever so slightly. "A recording?" he parrots.

Soobin nods. "We can give you the tape if you want- ow!" Yeonjun smacks his head. "What?!" he whisper-yells. "There is no point in hiding it anymore, Mr. Harrison is Alive, Hyung." he wriggles his eyebrow and stares at Yeonjun. Hoping he gets the message.

Soobin is right, there is no harm in handing the tape to the police now that they know Mr. Harrison is alive. At first, they thought Kai did in fact kill Jack because of the gunshot but now that Mr. Harrison resurfaced alive, it's entirely false.

They won't be incriminating Kai because there is no crime to be accused of.

Yeonjun's body relaxes in a way that lets Soobin know he finally got that into his head and he turns back to Hiro. "As I was saying... "He inhales. "It's a little difficult to explain what we heard in the recording so we'll hand it over so you can evaluate it yourself."

"Thank you, boys." Hiro pushes his chair back. "I'll send someone to pick up the tape, do you need a ride home?"

Soobin turns to Yeonjun. "Where to?" he asks.

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