Chapter Nine

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"I loathe the hypocrisy."

A few seconds later Kai's bedroom door slams shut and Beomgyu runs down the flight of stairs; he takes his bag and storms out of the house.

"Jun." His voice cracks over the phone. He sits on the curb outside.

"Baby, something wrong?"

Beomgyu sniffles, choking on his tears. "I just... "He breathes deeply. "I fought with my parents." he laughs to hide the fact that he is lying through his teeth "It's not a big deal." He wipes his face dry. "Can I sleep in yours tonight?"

Silence over the line. "Sure, of course. Are you truly okay though? You sound-"

"I'm fine. I just need a hug from my boyfriend."

"I'll call a cab for you, then."

Beomgyu smiles softly. "Thank you."

"Whenever, Love."

When he arrives to Yeonjun's dorm room he's welcomed with a set of open arms. Yeonjun doesn't ask questions, which is what Beomgyu likes the most in him. He offers a warm hug and cuddles for the night.

They speak of nothing, and Yeonjun caresses his hair as he cries softly into the pillow. He smiles at him; embracing him tightly.

Beomgyu kisses him endlessly that night, he falls asleep eventually. All thanks to Yeonjun.


In the basement of their house, Kai strings himself into a sleepless night. He stares at the concrete wall covered inch-inch by photos of his dad's late and living friends. Addresses and names, connected all together in a mess of red, green and yellow strings.

He prints the data he found on his Father's latest and oldest psychiatrists. The photo of a lady in her early 60s comes out little by little from the old printer. He hangs that on the wall, pinning each side of the picture in black pins. Another picture of a man in his 40s and another that has already passed.

They're all on the wall now, accompanied by dates of birth and for the last one, his death. Phone their numbers and their relatives' contact information.

Kai falls asleep on the cold floor of the basement with an hour left until he has to get up for his morning class.

It'll be worth it, he convinces himself.

Everything, it'll be worth it all.


Taehyun taps his fingers on the table, he glances at his watch. Kai is a few minutes late and usually Taehyun isn't a stickler, but it seems like Kai is. So, he finds it weird to have arrived earlier than the other did.

He moves around in the comfortable chairs of the library. They're not as comfortable as they were when he sat there with Soobin. He crosses a leg on the other, but it feels awkward, so he settles on sitting stiffly while waiting.

Unknowingly, Taehyun chose one of the most crowded spots of the library. A place that is both close to the librarian and the small coffee stand at the entrance meant for the students that need to get their caffeine dose on late night cramming.

After a few more minutes, he is jump scared by Kai entering his vision. He expected footsteps but Kai just showed up like he teleported into the seat in front of him.

He's panting, his forehead shines with a thin layer of sweat which he wipes with a black handkerchief.

Who carries those these days?

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