Chapter Sixteen

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There is no need for Taehyun to go back to Kai's house because the next day he already sees him around the campus. It's a tough week for him, having to sit with Beomgyu and his friends, pretending that nothing happened.

That they are okay with each other.

Beomgyu ignores him too, they hide it well from Taehyun and Yeonjun. They let the two lead the conversation and at times Taehyun speaks only to Soobin while Beomgyu to Yeonjun.

The week passes like that, excruciatingly slowly until Thursday arrives and he sits in his morning lecture. Sociology. It doesn't take long before he catches sight of Kai walking into the auditorium with a coffee in his hands, from the machines outside.

He doesn't enter the cafe, so Taehyun knows it's not from there.

Taehyun gets up to talk to Kai but the other shakes his head as if he knows what Taehyun's about to do. He warns him with stern eyes. Not here his expression is screaming despite the lack of muscle movement.

He sits back, dejected. The lecture goes by in a flash, he's not sure what subject is being discussed when all he does is replay the scene in Kai's house. His pliancy for Taehyun's touch.

His silent tears.

Taehyun sighs. Professor Harrison sends them on their way after the 2.5 hours and Taehyun collects his things slowly and leaves, waiting by the door to hopefully catch Kai as he's leaving as well and ask him for his well-being. Maybe invite him for a break on the roof...

Mostly he just wants to be around him, and he hopes Kai wants the same. Maybe he's feeding himself with delusions, he's not sure. But he's also desperate and wants enough to not care.

Kai does not exit the auditorium.

"Taehyunnie." Soobin runs towards Taehyun. "A new episode has been released, come on! I'll treat you to coffee."


"Mr. Harrison." Kai steps down from the auditorium seating.

The professor turns his head, already on his way out of class. He stops and looks at Kai. "Yes?"

"May I borrow some of your time?"

Mr. Harrison smiles earnestly. "Everything for my star student. What is it?"

Kai opens his bag and takes something out of the front pocket. A piece of paper. "I found this, in my parents' yearbook. You attended the same school as them, am I correct?"

Mr. Harrison's smile falters for just a second before growing wider. "Well, yes, I have. I guess... "he looks at the picture. "Yongsan High, is it?"

Kai nods,

"Then yes, I have. What a small world." he chuckles shortly. "Anything else?"

Kai's eyes squint. "So, you don't remember them?" He tries not to sound too disappointed. Mr. Harrison's reaction was far too mild for his liking.

He expected too much.

"It was a big class... "Mr. Harrison responds apologetically. "I don't remember most of my peers, unfortunately."

Kai retracts the picture. "I understand."

"Shame, what happened." Mr. Harrison says. "You're a very bright kid, Kai. Bringing them up might not be so smart considering some professors let their own judgment affect students' grades. Not me, of course. But let this be a mere suggestion." He nods his head. "Good day then, Kai."

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