Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Taehyun stares at his phone, utterly baffled. He tries calling Kai again but there is no answer and he's getting antsy.

Kai is odd. Which means the call could have meant nothing other than the fact that Kai is awkward when it comes to showcasing love. Taehyun knows the other has trouble with this concept and he accepts Kai for who he is.

He can wait, Kai knows this.

He calls again, a bad feeling forming like a pit in his stomach. It feels wrong, this sudden call. He wanted to hear Kai say those words but not like that.

Not on the phone.

Remember that I love you. But Taehyun doesn't need to remember because Kai can remind him every single day. Why does he have to remember?

He calls Beomgyu, even though he's not really fond of the guy. He answers almost immediately but what strikes Taehyun is that he sounds just like his brother if not more distraught. "Is Kai with you?"

That is the first thing Beomgyu says and the pit in Taehyun's gut grows hollower. ".... No. I just got a weird call from him, actually-"

"I think... " Beomgyu begins. "I think I did something bad, Taehyun." he whimpers. "I don't know what to do... "

"What happened?"

"We-we were fighting... and... oh god- what have I done? Taehyun, what have I done?" he cries on the phone; his words are confusing and he appears to be spiraling. Taehyun gets up from his bed first, finding it hard to remain seated. He feels even worse than when he did before the call, something bad has happened and Beomgyu can feel it too.

Maybe he was the one who caused it, but Taehyun does not know for certain yet.

"What happened, Beomgyu-Hyung? What did you do?" he asks. But all he can hear from the other line are staggered breaths and incoherent mumbling.

"I.... -and then- "crying. "I told him- oh my god... Taehyun... where-" even more crying." fuck... fuck!"

"You were fighting?" Taehyun asks to confirm. Beomgyu sounds bad, not only is he static beyond the phoneline he also sounds like Taehyun caught him at a really bad time. Bad headspace.

By sheer luck, Soobin gets out of the shower just in time to help Taehyun calm down the boy on the phone. Taehyun tells Soobin what goes on in a nutshell and the older takes the phone from Taehyun and speaks to his friend.

"Beommie? It's me." Soobin says. "Can you take 3 deep breaths for me," he instructs and puts the call on speaker. The two tune into the sound of Beomgyu's shaggy breaths. He tries his best to keep them deep and calm. "Good... very good." Soobin soothes. "You're doing great, Beom."

Beomgyu sniffles.

"Do you want to tell us what happened?" Soobin's forehead creases in concern for his friend, he locks eyes with Taehyun, and the two wait for a response.

"I don't... "he starts, sounding wrecked beyond repair. It hurts the ears. "I didn't mean it, I didn't," he says so desperately but they are not sure what he is referring to. "I'm a horrible brother, I am... God, Kai... "

"Beomgyu," Soobin calls. "Did something happen between you two?"

"I... I-" Beomgyu begins sobbing again, this time harder, and deeper than before. The pit in Taehyun's stomach now physically hurts him. "... I-" he wails; Soobin squirms standing, in discomfort hearing the pained cries. He never heard Beomgyu this devastated. This frustrated.

"I... Hit him." He speaks. His words are not too clear. "I hit Kai." he repeats and this time they hear him perfectly.

There is a beat of silence.

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