Chapter Thirty-Three

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Beomgyu races through the lobby, almost running through the glass doors. He hears the music outside; his heart stings. Tears fall from his eyes as he runs to the parking lot, he looks around frantically, hoping to catch sight of Soobin's car.

A horn honks. Beomgyu turns around, picking up his pace. The lights of the car shine right on his face, he squints, opening the door. "Go, please," he tells Soobin, and the elder speeds. His mind runs about 200 km a thought. He shakes as he buckles his seatbelt.

"Are you okay?" Soobin switches gear and drives as fast as he can.

Beomgyu can only shake his head slowly, choking on thick tears. His throat burns. This was not how the night was supposed to go. He's supposed to watch his boyfriend's recital and tell him how well he did, take him and his parents to a nice dinner.

He had everything planned.

The bouquet is left stranded on the seat he left empty.


"I'm here for Kai Huening." Beomgyu spits as soon as he enters the police station. He searches with his eyes for the reception desk. "Hey!" he strides over to a policewoman. "I'm Kai Huening's brother. I'm here to take him."

The station is lively despite the hour. He finds himself struggling to stand in one place as officers and others walk by him.

She tilts his head and looks over in the direction of another police officer. He shakes his head. "I'm afraid that won't be possible." she apologizes. "He's in the middle of questioning and we are allowed to have him 24 hours from the moment the arrest takes place. We will call you at the end of those 24-"

"Hey, listen lady. My brother did nothing wrong." Beomgyu seethes. Soobin takes him by the hand, doing nothing to calm him down, but he's trying. "Either you let him go or I'll sue this entire department are we understanding each other?"

She sighs, crossing her hands on his chest. Her brown ponytail swooshing side to side. "Like I said." her voice turns stern. "Your brother is here as a murder suspect. Without bail, he cannot leave, and the bail sum is only decided at the end of 24 hours. This is the law. I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do for you."

"Murder of whom, exactly?" Beomgyu stops her from leaving. "Where is your proof? Do you even have proof or is he there because he ticked you off even before?" his blood boils. They probably have none. Kai is too smart to leave any traces of him behind after doing something this severe.

He does not know why Kai killed his professor but at this moment it is not important. For whatever reason he will help his brother cover his tracks.

"I'm not obligated to answer your questions, young man."

Beomgyu's eyes narrow. He looks at her name tag. "Kim Gina." he reads. "What were the names of the officers arresting my brother? That I'm sure you are obligated to tell me."

She exhales. "You are more than welcome to ask the reception desk. I have a job to do."

Soobin grabs Beomgyu's nape, he turns the shorter boy around. "Beoms." he calls. "You need to stay calm, okay? Do you have a lawyer you can call?"

Beomgyu bites his lips from swearing. He nods. Soobin breathes deeply. "Okay, let's leave now."

"Kai is still in there." he insists.

"I know." Soobin soothes. "I know. But fighting those officers won't do him any good. Let's gather what we can and come back here after those 24 hours end."

Beomgyu shakes his head as fresh tears appear in his eyes.

"Call your lawyer for now. We will come back with more force. It's the right thing to do."

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