Chapter Five

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The house is humid, floors covered with red plastic cups and the air smells sharp. Beomgyu walks in, immediately hit by the strong smell of alcohol. A generic beat plays loudly, and he sees a few people dance to it in the living room. It started not an hour ago and the place is already a mess.

He navigates through the people, his eyes searching for his friends in the crowd.

"Beommie!" An arm slings on his shoulder. He hears Yeonjun giggling, then tripping right after. Beomgyu catches him at the very last second. "God. How did you get that drunk already?" He looks at his boyfriend's red face. "And where are your crouches, dummy?"

"I-" He hiccups, looking faint.


Yeonjun looks up; his eyes are deep red. Beomgyu straightens him up, smacking his cheek. "What did you drink?" he questions.

The older shrugs, smiling bashfully. "You're so pretty, but I do have a boyfriend." Yeonjun pushes Beomgyu away from him, resulting in another sway of his body to the side.

Beomgyu tightens his grip on him. "Unfortunately for me, I am the boyfriend." he mumbles to himself. He catches a blub of hair on a guy towering at everyone in the living room. He looks away from Yeonjun to follow that person.

It's Soobin, eating someone's mouth on one of the walls. Beomgyu rolls his eyes. "Soobin! Soobin-ah!"

When he turns around, Beomgyu is relives to see that he's not as drunk as Yeonjun, just a little tipsy.

Beomgyu hits Soobin in the arm. "Ouch!" Soobin rubs the sore spot. "What was that for?"

"Why were you not watching him!?" Beomgyu points at where he thinks Yeonjun is.

Soobin raises an eyebrow. "Watching who?"

Beomgyu turns around, searching the air until he looks down. Yeonjun is lying on the floor, sleeping. He sighs.

"Is that Yeonjun-Hyung?" Soobin fights an amused smile. "I thought he bailed, I was only here for 10 minutes, and I couldn't find him." he explains.

"This isn't funny." Beomgyu frowns. "I need to take him home." He carries Yeonjun on his back while the older spews complete nonsense in his ears.

"There's no elf here, Hyung. You're fine."" Beomgyu is already over this party. They were fun their first year, maybe it's because he's growing apart from this lifestyle, it's not fun like it used to be.

Not that carrying your 23-year-old boyfriend on your back like he's a sack of singing potatoes isn't the epitome of fun, but he really needs to get out of here before the smell of sweat and cheap tequila messes with his head.

"I'm tired." Yeonjun bites on Beomgyu's shoulder.

Beomgyu yelps.

"I'll get you home. Give me your keys."


A knife plunges itself into Kai's abdomen. He chokes, putting his hand over the hand that holds the knife and driving it deeper into his body. He kneels down, overrun by hot and continuous pain.

"That is what happens to those who won't stopping digging into the past." The man knees him in the stomach and drops him to lay on the ground. Kai takes the knife out, throwing it far from him. He looks up, his eyes burn with fury.

"I'll never stop." he swears, even while bleeding out on the floors of the man's home. "Not ever."

He left the house shortly after Beomgyu did. It wasn't a mission, what he went to do. At least not a mission sent by a client of his. A mission for himself, to find the answers to the past.

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