Chapter Forty-One

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In a deserted cabin rooted deep in the wooded area; crickets start to announces their presence. The door to the cabin creaks opens a jar from the force of the wind and closes shut once again; thumping.

A brief blow of wind enters the quiet cabin; body shivers.

A set of tied-up, gloved hands try to escape their restraints. A chair where the ropes are tied to rocks back and forth. On the top of a head, black hairs move with the brush of wind. A figure sat on the chair; a stream of red blood from the neck, soaking into a white shirt. No longer white.

"Are you up?"

Kai opens his eyes; lightheaded. He looks around the cabin. Something sticky melts his shirt to his chest. He breathes in the smell of rain and wet mud. It's cold, but he's sweating through his shirt.

Humidity, it must be.

The cabin's door opens. "I asked a question." Mr. Harrison says. "Are you up, now?" he walks in, holding a big lantern. Finally, a little light.

He sets the lantern on the floor and smiles tightly. "I hope I didn't hit you too hard."

"You didn't." Kai halts his struggle against the ropes. He looks up, then his eyes trail down, following Mr. Harrison as the elder man takes a chair and sits down in front of him. "Why am I here?"

The cabin is not small not big, with no major furniture and it doesn't look like someone's living room or house but it is clean. Empty but clean. Other than the smell of rain Kai doesn't detect anything else, maybe wood and mint but that is it.

He tests the ropes again; subtly. Shifting his hands and feeling his wrists. He has a minor headache and a sore shoulder.

The last thing he remembers is going into his car after storming off. He drove someplace, but he doesn't recall where.

Mr. Harrison raises his gray, thick eyebrow. "You know why you are here, Kai. Use your marvelous brain... "


"Just because you're sick doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the great way in which your brain is operating."

"I'm not a specimen to be analyzed." Kai spits.

Mr. Harrison's eyes widen and he tilts his head. "Are you not? Is this not why you chose psychology, Kai?" he says and his words hit Kai like an iron fist to the stomach. "Don't fool me."

Kai breathes sharply through his nose.

"Don't be upset with me, Kai." Mr. Harrison's feigns concern. "I am nothing but a mirror reflecting your own actions. You wanted to understand your dad, so, you chose to study psychology. Study Him. If that is not analyzing, what is?"

"What are you to do to me?"

There is a displeased expression on Mr. Harrison's face when he gets the sense that Kai isn't looking to talk. He pulls on his nose. "Again, Kai. Use your head."

A dark shadow passes through Kai's eyes.

"How are you going to kill me?"


The following questions keep arising.

If Mr. Harrison did kill Soo-Ha, why did he do it? It said in the tape that he did it to set her free but that does not quite explain why he felt the need to set her free herself. Other than his duty as a good person.

If Finn didn't kill Soo-Ha nor set the fire to their house then that must mean someone else did. Mr. Harrison.

It takes Beomgyu a while for that information to feel right. He was sure, 100% sure that Finn was guilty, of everything. Now, he's not sure of anything. The sinister glint he saw in the father and son, now seems entirely different.

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