Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The entirety of Kai's recovery period which lasts a month until he no longer suffers headaches or fatigue, he does not utter a word about anything that happened. Not the week before the arrest, not the night of Friday the 13th.


He stays home for most of the time, trying to eat well and regain his strength to recover faster. A few days after he's released from the hospital, he goes down the stairs to the hidden basement, at night when Beomgyu was asleep.

He came out the very next morning and when Beomgyu entered the basement to look for some pans he stored in there, he found the place empty of Kai's things.

The investigation wall, the computer, the burner phone. Everything vanished like it was gone.

And when he asked Kai about it, the other shrugged and went to sleep.

Taehyun comes by once every few days, to Beomgyu's surprise. He still collects Kai's notes for him, maybe for an excuse to come by.

He gives Kai medicine and leaves once the sun goes down. Sometimes he even stays the night and, in the mornings, Kai appears livelier than he did the previous day. As alive as someone like Kai can be.

Beomgyu does not know what to make of this as Kai never expressed interest in anyone of that nature or any nature. But seeing him content and almost healed after seeing Taehyun, he wants to believe his brother can achieve love.

That it's possible for him. Because for the longest time, Beomgyu thought it could never happen. But Kai cares about Taehyun.

Kai cares. And maybe that is the best he can do.


Kai comes back to campus, and students could not be less happy about it.


Mr. Harrison is officially missing and presumed dead. Posters are plastered on every corner of campus calling for justice. Kai walks past them, indifferent. He sees the looks people give him, not just students but the faculty as well.

They will learn the truth soon, he thinks.

Kai comes back home late after staying for extra hours at the library. He is almost all caught up on his assignments. He opens the door, catching a whiff of his favorite ramen.

His mouth salivates.

"Hey, Hyung."

Beomgyu turns around and gives him a tight smile that drops almost instantly. "You smoked again. "He says and Kai remembers he had forgotten to air out his coat and spray mint wash in his mouth. He sighs.

"Yes," Kai admits.

"I told you not to do that." Beomgyu scolds. "Why do you never listen?"

He's tired and hungry. Not to mention Taehyun was too busy to meet him today which means he did not get his daily hug. He's jumpy and just wants to eat and go to sleep. "What can you do?" he dismisses his brother. But Beomgyu pushes the plate of food away from Kai.

"You can quit." Beomgyu insists. "It's a filthy habit."

"It's my filthy habit. I've grown to like it, so can you."

"Very funny, Kai." Beomgyu throws the towel he had in his hand on the table and leans it on his waist. Kai rolls his eyes. "Must we do it now?" he asks.

"When else?" Beomgyu sasses. He reaches out his hand. "Give me the packet."


"Kai, for the love of god-"

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