Chapter Forty-Nine

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Taehyun knocks on the door of room 304, no answer. He opens the door slightly, peeking his head in.

He is greeted with the image of Kai sleeping peacefully with Beomgyu sitting beside him, his torse spilling on the bed; he snores softly. It's endearing to see.

However, it is only 4 pm in the afternoon and if they sleep any more, they are not going to fall asleep when the night comes and that is too unfortunate.

Also, he has something he had prepared and it'll be a shame to make it wait until tomorrow.

"Taehyun?" Kai shifts from his light sleep; he straightens up in the bed and looks down at the weight on him. He hadn't realized Beomgyu drifted off to sleep as well but it is understood after he exhausted himself with all that crying.

Taehyun pulls something from his bag and sets it on the small table beside the door. "First week's notes," he says with a smile; conscious to talk quietly as to not wake up Beomgyu.

"Are you still doing that?" Kai sighs. "I'm not-"

"I'm just leaving it here, Kai," Taehyun says and walks towards the bed with the bag in his hands. "The rest is up to what you want to do after you get discharged."

"That is quite fair."

Yeonjun, who had driven with Taehyun after his dance practice was done went to the bathroom as soon as they parked and they agreed to split up and meet on the 5th floor. Now, when Taehyun hears footsteps from outside of the room, he remembers he came along with Beomgyu's boyfriend.

The blond opens the door and waves at Kai. "Hey," he whispers. His eyes immediately go to his sleeping beauty. He smiles fondly. "How are you?" he turns to Kai out of courtesy. Also, it was the first time he got to visit because of his hectic schedule.

Kai shrugs as an answer.

"I got this for you." Yeonjun waves a white paper bag and shoves his hand inside it. He pulls out a white to-go box. "Beomgyu said you liked egg tarts and since hospital food is pretty nasty," he pulls a face and sets the box on the drawer beside Kai. "You deserve to eat something you could actually enjoy."

"You needn't to."

"Nonsense." Yeonjun dismisses him.

Kai nods once. "Well, thank you."

"Baby." Yeonjun's body dips the bed, he caresses Beomgyu's cheek. "Baby bear," he sing-songs, waiting for Beomgyu to open his eyes. "Good morning sunshine..." he trails off, his expression turns worried. "You look... interesting." he settles on saying after seeing the reddened puffy eyes open up half the amount they usually do.

Beomgyu rubs his eyes and sniffles. "I've fallen asleep," he mutters; yawning.

"Yeah, I can see that." Yeonjun laughs. "Come on, let's get you home. You need to shower and eat."

With a prolonged glance, Beomgyu rets his hand on Kai's knee. "I'll be back in the morning," he says. "Call me if you need something, anything. Okay?" he puts an emphasis on his words. He looks earnestly into Kai's eyes.

It's impossible to say anything but yes to that look.

Kai nods once again. "Alright."

Beomgyu grabs his things and leaves behind his toothbrush in the bathroom, another set of clothes for him to change into, and his bag. Taking only his jacket, phone, and charger along with his outside shoes. Leaving the hospital slippers beside the foot of the bed.

He gives Kai a kiss on his forehead and fixes the blanket on him. He gives him one tiny smile that says anything he can't say in words. Beomgyu takes Yeonjun's hand and they head out.

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