Chapter 1:

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Well, this is inconvenient

"Hey, Betty, copy these security videos in your system and send them to the boss, please

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"Hey, Betty, copy these security videos in your system and send them to the boss, please. Go home, I'll be there as soon as I can. I've got an idea."

Your loyal BD droid exited through the air vents as you hid in the shadows.

The steps grew closer to the control center, so you slid out the door, but as you rounded the corner a Naboolian guard stopped you.

"Halt right there. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Oh I'm sorry, sir," you channeled your inner bimbo, "I got lost in this maze of hallways. I was just trying to find my way out, but lucky me I found you. Could you help me out?" You looked up at him innocently.

"I can't let you leave, ma'am," the man grabbed your arm.

"What are you doing? Don't touch me! Let me go!" Your pitch got higher - a real damsel in distress you were. Your shouting attracted the attention of a couple of men from the control center.

"What is going on here, soldier?" A tall man with an eye patch rounded the corner, followed by a familiar mop of red hair. "Y/n?" The latter muttered looking at the scene confusedly - shit, this is inconvenient.

"Sir, I found her wandering the hall. Should I bring her to the cells?" The young guard asked while cuffing you.

"No, she's harmless," the Jedi interrupted, "I'll question her myself." He gripped your bicep and turned you around, to walk you down the corridor.

As soon as you entered the elevator, the redhead pushed you against the wall, and you yelped, as your head hit the glass.
"What in the universe are you doing?" He gritted the words through his teeth.

"Well," your words were strained, "it's nice to see you too, Obi-Wan."

"It's Master Kenobi," he intimated with a furrowed brow, "and again what are you doing here?"

"Just taking a stroll, you know I like to explore new areas of the city."

"You really want me to believe that? You gotta try harder."

"It's boring in the lower levels." You clenched your eyes, grazing the bump on the back of your head with your fingers.

That answer only angered him more, and he took a menacing step forward. When your sight focused again, you saw his stormy blue eyes looking at you intently, as if he were trying to peek into your mind - wait a minute...

"Obi-Wan, if you wanted a kiss you could have just asked, you know," you whispered, amused at his Jedi antics, and that seemed to throw him off.
You smirked knowing he was so easy to play with. He quickly took a couple steps back, with a horrified expression and red ears.

"Master Kenobi," he sighed as his gaze wandered around the small space. You wondered if all Jedi were this easily put off by some innocuous flirting. Maybe being cooped up in that stupid temple all the time makes them a bit more socially awkward.

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