Chapter 16:

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Nothing more

You limped your way home and made it to your doorstep. However, as soon as the door opened a metal rod hit your belly, and you crumpled to your hands and knees.
Another hit to the back of your head made you lose consciousness completely - luckily you still had the helmet on, otherwise, your skull would have been crushed in.

You woke up with your hands tied behind your back to the radiator.
As you tried to move your head, the dizziness hit you hard, making you groan. Every bone in your body was sore. Sharp pangs shot from all over you. It felt like being trampled by a pack of banthas. You were bent over, moaning in pain.

The harlot - *cough* sorry, the Duchess stood in front of you, "how did you find me?"

"Bitch, this is my house," your voice was strained.

She ignored your remark, "who sent you?"

"Nobody." You took a labored breath.

"Who sent you?" The woman put a hand to your shoulder and pushed on your wound, making you cry out - so much for being a pacifist.

Suddenly the entrance door sprung open. "What is it?! Satine, are you okay?"

"Yes, Obi. I was just interrogating her."

"You should have let me do it."

"Obi?" You choked out, and the look of realisation covering his face made you chuckle bitterly - only, it hurt too much, so it came out more as a series of whimpers.

Worried, Kenobi immediately walked over to you and removed your helmet, taking in your disheveled and exhausted appearance.
He went to untie you, but the woman stopped him, "what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, Satine. She's a friend."

"Actually, Duchess, I'm merely an acquaintance," you reminded him.

"Will you ever stop being a pain in my arse?"

You smiled as much as you could, which was little, "you might be in luck, I feel like I might die soon, so maybe when I'm dead."

"You're not going to die."

"Well, I don't have a secret bacta tank in the closet."


He helped you up and onto the couch, removing the hard parts of the suit.

"What the hell happened to you? Why in the universe are you in Death Watch armour?!"

"I've always wanted Mandalorian beskar armour."

Obi-Wan scoffed unimpressed. He peeled off your shirt, leaving you in your worn breast bindings, and immediately got to work, not caring about your nudity, although you did notice his cheeks acquired a pink hue, as did yours.
His fingers spread - not that softly - a huge amount of bacta on your wounds, as you whined continuously.

"Could you be a bit more gentle?"

"No. This way, maybe you'll think twice about  getting in the middle of things next time." He sounded miffed - understatement of the century, he was angry, as he growled out his words.

"Look I did what I had to, okay?"

"You are completely battered, with two blaster wounds. Do you know what could have happened if this shot was a few centimeters to your right?!"

"Yes. I thought we had already established that I am a doctor, Master Kenobi."

"A very stupid one, Miss L/n."

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