Chapter 10:

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Human Emotions

Seeing as Obi-Wan's eyes were half lidded, you decided to call it a night

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Seeing as Obi-Wan's eyes were half lidded, you decided to call it a night. You helped him out of the diner, to his speeder bike. He couldn't stand straight, so you mounted his vehicle in front of him.

"What are you doin'?" He slurred, furrowing his brows in bewilderment.

"Driving you home, dummy, 'cause you're too drunk to do it yourself."

You were trying to turn the thing on, but Obi-Wan preceded you, seeing the confusion plastered in your movements, by clicking the ignition button. "Have you ever even driven one of these?"

"No, but it can't be that hard. You do it."

His deep laugh vibrated in your ear, making goosebumps erupt down your spine. "This is the accelerator, and these are the brakes," he stammered in between fits.

You stirred the bike towards a lane, driving slowly initially. Once you got the hang of things, you sped up, cutting through the cars. Obi-Wan's arms had sneaked around your waist at some point as he held on you tightly. You whooped and laughed with him all throughout the ride.


The temple was deserted when you arrived.

When you reached his room, he leapt inside his quarters towards the toilet with a hand on his mouth, so you hastily followed and stroked his back as he puked his guts out. Once he was done, you gently combed a hand through his wild hair, passing him a tissue and a glass of water.

"You okay there?"

"Could be better," he strained out.

The two of you stayed on the 'fresher floor as you silently took his hand in yours.

"Don't you ever wish to be free to do as you please? To love and have attachments and a family? To be a little selfish?"

He looked down, a rosy hue spreading on his cheeks. "Sorry, that was personal," you backtracked.

"Sometimes I do." He looked you dead in the eye, and your mind went haywire at his words. You wished he were referring to you. You wished the longing look in his eyes were put into words and spoken to you. But certainly, that wasn't the case. You glanced down at your hands folded together, furrowing your brows, what is happening to me?!

Kenobi interrupted your line of thought, "you were right earlier, you know."

"About what?"

"The Code and attachments and loving someone selflessly, but I don't think it is that easy."

"I've never claimed it to be. It's probably one of the hardest things to do, I guess, to love someone and not be afraid to part with them. Or lose yourself in grief when they pass away."

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