Chapter 9:

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Master L/n

You landed on Coruscant, having your first official two weeks leave

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You landed on Coruscant, having your first official two weeks leave. In the three months you had spent working on the Med station, you weren't able to identify the cause of the signal dropout on the radiographies. However, after performing many low level scans of the clones, you were at least certain there was something that needed to be investigated.

Dressing up in Obi-Wan's robes again, you went to the Temple library, hoping to find more information on different radiological artifacts and their causes.

Nobody was around except a young Togruta padawan roaming around the shelves and Madam Jocasta at a computer.

You tried to look for information yourself, as you had left Betty home, when suddenly a fight ensued. You observed the librarian and the girl move agilely against one another. What the hell's going on?!

Spying a bit more you noticed Jocasta's body on the ground - what- how- that's a changeling! You sprinted to the direction of the fight, and, noticing the fake librarian running for it, you hid behind a shelf until she was about to pass by. Your foot slipped out, and you tripped the criminal, allowing the padawan to corner her.

"Thank you for stopping her."

"No problem, dear."

"Why didn't you intervene earlier though?"

"You seemed to have it under control," you lied and tried your best impression of a very annoying Jedi Master. "Seeing things from the outside gives you a better picture. Oftentimes taking a step back from a situation helps regroup and formulate a better plan of attack, you know."

"You're right. I'm sorry, I don't think we've been introduced, I'm Ahsoka Tano, Master Skywalker's padawan." She extended her hand to you, and you shook it eagerly.

"Oh it's such a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Y/n L/n."

"Well, thank you for your help, Master L/n."

You're not gonna lie, hearing how she addressed you sent a spike of confidence through your body, that was until-

"Ahsoka!" Anakin rushed to her, so you sneaked behind a bookcase as they talked. You backed away hastily, until your rear hit something hard, certainly a shelf.

"Miss L/n."

His breath grazed your ear, raising goosebumps along your arms. Your shoulders sagged as you scrunched up your face - shit. You slowly turned around, "how nice to see you, Master Kenobi." Your voice sounded small, just like you compared to the tall man looking down on you with disappointment written all over his face.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I'm- I just wanted to do some research."

A horrified look overtook his features, "you're with Bane!"

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