Chapter 20:

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You rushed to the Temple and identified Obi-Wan's ship

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You rushed to the Temple and identified Obi-Wan's ship. It was taking off, so you stuck a localiser on it and followed him on your own. The destination was clear to you as he approached the Mandalorian sector: Sundari. You had heard the news of a coup on the planet, and you figured he was going to break the fucking Duchess out of jail.

You parked close to his ship and decided to leave Betty on board as backup.

As soon as you exited your ship, an armed Mandalorian asked you for the landing permit, which of course you didn't have.

"Oh, sorry, I left my pad inside. Come on."

As he followed you inside, you hid behind the door and put him in a chokehold. When he passed out, you put on his armor and followed Kenobi in a speeder - you had actually stolen the whole idea from him.

You entered a huge guarded building, which you assumed was the royal prison, and rushed for the elevator, where another guard was pushing the 'close doors' buttons impatiently.

"Kenobi? Is that you?"

"Miss L/n? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you."

"What could be so important to follow me here?"

"Well, at this point it'll have to wait. What are we doing anyway?"

"I am getting Satine out. You are going back to Coruscant."

"No way, General." He was about to reprimand you for your heedlessness, but you continued, "look, If you're going to do something very stupid, then I'll do it with you. Besides, I'm already here, and I have a plan."


"I had a hunch when I saw your coordinates."

"You are going to be the death of me, Miss L/n."

"I certainly hope not. I do still need your help regarding our urgent matters, Master Kenobi."


"Here to do more of your master's bidding?" The Duchess didn't even turn around as she spoke in a sullen tone.

"I do my own bidding."

"Obi-Wan!" She flung herself into his arms, and you seethed from behind the two. Your miffed cough interrupted them.

"Uhhh, Satine, you remember Miss L/n, I hope."

"Certainly," she cleared her throat, releasing the Jedi, " what are you doing here?"

"Helping this dumbass, of course. Please, don't try to kill me this time," you joked, but Obi-Wan got straight to the point.

"The Jedi Council can't do anything for Mandalore, but I couldn't leave you here. Now, let's go."

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