Chapter 13:

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Difficult patient

You and your team left for Geonosis that same night on a medical frigate, accompanied by a platoon of troopers

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You and your team left for Geonosis that same night on a medical frigate, accompanied by a platoon of troopers.

The battle had already ensued on the planet's surface when you got there. Many shuttles had been shot down, and explosions littered the arid landscape. Seeing as the fight had moved further away from the crashing sites, the frigate landed at a safe distance.

"Everybody listen up!" Your voice resounded over the others.
"You two," you pointed to two older colleagues that had plenty of hands-on experience, "will come with me and sweep the wrecks for survivors. We'll take a nurse and seven troopers each to make things quicker, triaging every clone and sending them back to the frigate ASAP. Priority will be given to extreme and first emergencies. As soon as you deliver the injured, you are to come back to the triage groups immediately. The rest of you will stay on the ship and manage the patients as we send them."

The three groups left for different areas on shuttles. Each vehicle was specifically equipped with a few stretchers in the back for patient transport. Your team reached the furthest zone, and you immediately got to work.

Two clones limped towards you as soon as you arrived. "Are you the doctor? Come! Our brother's stuck."

Following them you noticed a man trapped under a wreckage. He was pale, and clearly in pain. His left leg disappeared under a big metal chunk. You removed the cuisses of his armor, and his thigh appeared to be congested,  with the skin a dark-reddish color.

"How long has he been trapped here?"

"I don't know. A half hour, perhaps more."

You instructed the troopers to get the tools to free him, while you assessed his conditions. The patient was disoriented and anxious. Quick breathing, tachycardia, weakening pulse, pale skin and confusion.

A lot of the liquids were being sequestered in his injured limb, so you had the nurse start a venous access, administering huge amounts of saline to compensate for the hypovolemia. You also positioned a continuous scanner of the cardiac activity.
Once the rubble was removed from on top of him, you transported him back to the shuttle. During the trip back, the medisensor started beeping, the potassium in the bloodstream was rising. You administered a series of compounds via hypospray, in order to protect the heart.

"Case of crush syndrome. The patient showed signs of hyperkalemia, so I administered calcium chloride, sodium bicarb and glucose solution. He needs to be monitored for cardiac arrhythmias and possible compartment syndrome," after briefing the nurses you went on your way.

Back on site, you heard whining. Following it lead you to a clone with a huge tear in their abdomen. The armor was sapped in red viscous liquid, and you noticed a bloodied metal wedge in the trooper's hand.
You rushed over, while putting on a pair of gloves, and immediately applied pressure to the wound. Your other hand fumbled in your medkit, before taking out a set of sterile gauzes. You packed the wound as best as you could while shouting for a gurney.

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