Chapter 5:

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Hot damn!

As you reached the outskirts of Coruscant, you left your ship on a dock and hid in the hangar

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As you reached the outskirts of Coruscant, you left your ship on a dock and hid in the hangar.

"The force is with us, Master Sidious," Dookie said.

"Welcome home, Lord Tyranus. You have done well," the slimy voice made your skin prickle.

"I have good news for you my Lord. War has begun."

"Excellent, everything is going as planned."

TYRANUS... where have I heard that name? Right, that's the man that recruited Jango for the army! So Dookie is responsible for the clones... it doesn't make sense, he wants to fight the Republic. It would be useless for him to provide an army to his enemy. Could he be tampering with the clones? And who the fuck is Sidious? Maybe he was telling the truth when saying his Master controlled the Senate. But who would want the Republic to start a war? Who would gain from that?

After a while you noticed that Sidious reached the lower levels of the abandoned factory, so you followed from a big distance. He entered a set of tunnels, leading back to the Senate?! You tried tailing him, however eventually you lost him in the darkness of the maze.


"Is Jango Fett dead?" Your boss asked.

"Yes, sir."

"By your hand?

"No, Master Windu got to him before me."

"I am disappointed in you, Y/n."

"I'm sorry," - no, you weren't, not really at least.

"What else have you found out?"

"Sir, Dooku ordered the Republic army."

"Are you sure, dear?"

"100%. The problem is the clones may be compromised. Also I believe his master is someone working in the Senate."

"Oh, the situation is bad."

"Yes, sir. I'll investigate further and report to you."

"You'll do no such thing."

"What? Why?!"

"Remember we are talking about Sith Lords. I cannot allow you to get yourself so close to such dangerous people, my dear." At your furrowed brows, he continued, "don't worry, Y/n, I still have work for you to do. However, for that I need you to be safe and not within reach of the Sith."

"Very well, sir."

You weren't done investigating though. It was your flaw, after all, that you couldn't leave things unfinished.


After thoroughly reading and rereading the stupid army contract and the list of contingency orders, you didn't find any provision that could become useful to the separatists. So what to do now? A good option was to keep looking into the "Dookie plans to destroy us from the inside" hypothesis. Where better than for the Temple library to enlighten yourself?

You entered the building unnoticed and snuck in the air vents. Looking at Betty's map, you reached a special Master's chamber - you know, just to look around a bit, maybe find some dirt on him, and definitely for a costume change.

You borrowed a set of Jedi robes that could fit you just right, probably from when he was much younger - and smaller.

As you were about to leave the room, a lump of neatly folded black fabric caught your eye: your scarf! How did that get here?! You had lost it on Geonosis and Kenobi must've taken it - weird. Well, anyway, onward with the mission.

You set out for the library and sat down reading a manual about trooper anatomy and creation, as Betty scoured for information about "Dookie, cloners and sinister plots" in the archive.

The clones appeared to be normal humans, with only some genetic modifications to make them more docile, which you doubted was even possible. A great deal of one's behavior is influenced by the environment, not only DNA.

You checked the radiographic scans of the soldiers. All of them seemed normal, yet you couldn't help but notice a recurring artifact in the frontal area of the brain. It was a minuscule pixel of signal dropout right in the prefrontal cortex. It could have been a mere coincidence, but, seeing as it was present in the scans of all twenty study subjects, you doubted it very much.

"You are not a Jedi, young one." You yelped, turning to a tall, green Nautolan male, who stood smiling cordially.

"You scared the shit out of me," the man chuckled, "how did you know?" You snickered yourself.

"I am a Jedi Master, I know everything," he grinned.

"I very much doubt that, Master... ?" You challenged him playfully.

"Fisto, but Kit will be fine."

"Well, Kit - you smirked - you're very modest, aren't you? I don't think I believe your humble claims."

He stood still, calmly studying your aura. Not feeling any type of malicious intent from you, he sat down in the armchair beside yours. "And you would be right not to...?"

"Oh, I'm Y/n L/n."

"Pleasure to meet you."

"So how did you know?"

"I saw you on Geonosis with Master Kenobi."

"Oh, yes," you scrunched your face at your heedlessness, "I was trying to help him."

"That was very heroic of you."

"Or rather stupid, to be honest."

"No matter, what makes you visit our archives so late in the day, Miss L/n?"

"Y/n will suffice. Actually I was researching something."

"Really?" The sarcasm rolled off his tongue easily, "and what might that be?"

"Well, to be honest I was wondering what modifications had been made to the clone troopers." Kit raised his brow, and you blurted out the first thing passing through your mind, "I am a doctor. I plan on enlisting into the medical corps, and I figured some early research could only be beneficial" - well, thinking about it, this lie is actually quite genius! Hot damn! You could study the clones better if you were to be their physician.

"How wonderful! You are very brave."

"Oh, no need for flattery, Kit," you batted your hand in a mock embarrassment motion.

You stayed in the archive lightly talking with the Jedi well past your dinner time, until someone coughed behind you.

"Master Kenobi," Kit nodded to his colleague, "your friend here is good company" - shit, this is inconvenient.

"Oh, I assure you, Master Fisto, she is merely an acquaintance."

"No need to rub it in," you muttered through gritted teeth.

"What a pity, Obi-Wan. She truly is brilliant and funny," Kit's compliments were getting to your head.

The redhead eyed you suspiciously, "also she will be leaving now. Come on, I'll escort you out." He grasped your elbow and brought you to your feet.

"It was wonderful to meet you, Kit."

"It was," he nodded to you, "I'm sure I'll see you again on the med stations, Y/n."

"Certainly," you chuckled before Obi-Wan dragged you away - apparently, you were really fond of Master Fisto.

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