Chapter 6:

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Tevraki Whiskey

"Kit?" The redhead whispered - more like growled - in your ear, ushering you out of the temple

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"Kit?" The redhead whispered - more like growled - in your ear, ushering you out of the temple.

"Yeah, we're friends now."

"How charming," his sarcasm cut through the air, "how did you manage to fool him?"

"I didn't try to fool anyone," you bit back.

"Oh you did, otherwise he would have kicked you out immediately."

"Is it really so unbelievable that someone might actually like me, Master Kenobi?"

"Yes," his breathy chuckle grazed your skin.

"Differently from you, he enjoys my company evidently."

"So it seems, and what was that about medical stations?"

"I plan on enlisting."

"What, as a cleaning lady?"

"Is that meant to be a jibe? You know, actually cleaning personnel are at the bases of modern society. So really it's no insult, but rather you're showing your privileged prejudice."

"So many words defending cleaning ladies," he said in a smug tone.

"Yup, they deserve it." You turned to face him with slitted eyes, "you might not believe it, but I am a doctor."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"I definitely hope you won't."

"Oh, how very selfless of you, Miss L/n."

He looked down to your neck for a moment, before gripping the nape of the shirt. "Are these my robes?"

"What the hell are you doing?!"

He pushed you face first on the wall, keeping you steady with his own body, as he looked for the robe's label.

"Let me go, Master Kenobi!"

"They are my clothes. How did you get them?"

You pushed him away, and he let you. "I borrowed them, but don't worry, I'll give them back," your sneering tone cut through the air.

"Actually you can keep them."

"What?" You were taken aback.

"So you can sleep in them when you miss me," that fucking grin was starting to get on your nerves.

"Ah, ah. You are so funny," you deadpanned, although he certainly noticed the rosy hue spreading on your cheeks.



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