Chapter 3:

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What an ass

"I believe Jango Fett, a notorious bounty hunter, has been hired to kill Senator Amidala, Sir

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"I believe Jango Fett, a notorious bounty hunter, has been hired to kill Senator Amidala, Sir. I think he's currently residing on Kamino." You were reporting all your findings to your boss.

"The cloners planet?"

"Yes. I have no idea why there, though. In any case, I don't think he'll try anything else soon, so the Senator should be good here on Coruscant, for a while at least."

"Very well, I need you to find out more about the assassination attempt. Leave for Kamino at once and report back as soon as you find something."

"Right away, Sir."

"Oh, one more thing, dear. We wouldn't want this murderer to hurt anyone else. Stop him as soon as you can, eliminate him on sight if you must."

You were taken aback by the highly unusual request. You had been hired to spy, not to kill. Terminating someone in cold blood, even if it were for justice or public safety, was not something you were capable of.

"Don't you wanna find the instigator of the murder?"

"I'm sure you will figure something out, you are a great agent after all. I'm certain you'll track his leader down even after killing this Jango."

"I'll try my best, Boss."


"Hey, Betty, I'll ask around for details while you go copy their data, okay?" A beep from your friend resounded on the landing pad as you entered.

"Hello, I'm Y/n Taske," a fake name was always useful, "I'm a consultant from the Republic."

A tall whitish being greeted you at the door. "Ah yes, we were expecting a visit soon. Please come with me, we are delighted to finally show you the results of the army" - What the fuck?

"Meet Lama Su, Prime Minister of Kamino."

"Pleasure," you bowed slightly.

"Welcome to Kamino, Miss Taske. It has been quite a while since the clones have been commissioned for the Republic. What made you visit?" - the Republic?? The issue of the Army has been brought up only recently in the Senate...

"Well, it has taken us quite some time to have the Senators on board with the idea of an army. I have been sent to check upon the progress, so that the Senate can finalize the arrangements for the clones. If you don't mind me asking, your Highness, who first contacted you for the job?"

"Oh, of course. Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas issued the order. Have you not spoken to him?"

"Oh, no I haven't. I am merely a consultant for the Senate, and unfortunately I have not had the privilege of meeting the Jedi Council," the lies flowed awkwardly, but neither Kaminoan seemed to notice. "How are the clones coming along?"

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