Chapter 22:

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Shit, Cody?

Your POV:
"How are you alive?" Obi-Wan asked eventually, his cheek pressed up into the crown of your hair.

"Ventress helped me, don't ask me how exactly. I didn't ask her, and I'm not sure I want to know either." Being in his arms had helped you calm down, although your voice now sounded very coarse.


"Yup, we're friends."

"What- I'm gonna gloss over that fact for the moment. But I have to ask, why did you have to get in the middle of things?"

"I told you if you have to do dumb shit, I'll join. Besides, it's good it was me, you know, so the Duchess was safe. How is she?"

"Uh," Obi-Wan scoffed, miffed at your very low sense of self preservation, "it's not better for you to go through that in her stead." He hesitated, swallowing harshly, "Satine is fine. What was so urgent that you needed to come to Sundari to tell me?"

"Shit, right!" You crawled to the edge of the bed, grunting from the residual pain of the wound. You laid a hand on your side, close to the source of the ache, as you stood up, but a hand on your shoulder pushed you back down. Raising your gaze you met Obi-Wan's eyes.

"You shouldn't exert yourself. What is it that you need me to get?"

"My data pad and Betty."

He handed both to you, immediately putting a stop to your droid's worried beeping. You patted the area of the bed next to you and Obi-Wan sat down.

"Okay, this is mad, but I need your help. I think Dooku is conspiring to end the Jedi Order."

"Well, he's a Sith, so it's not really a surprise," Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow.

"No, I mean it's a very real possibility at the moment. There are chips in the clone's heads. They act as a sort of mind control. When Palpatine gives the order, they will kill their Jedi superiors."

"Why would the Chancellor want the end of the Order?" He already knew the answer, but perhaps you had concrete evidence.

"I'm not sure. The Jedi are very influential, and I think they are the only real threat to him getting more and more power in the ranks of the Republic."

"Yes, the Republic did interfere with internal matters during Ahsoka's trial," Obi-Wan stroked his beard in thought. "So what exactly do you want me to do with this information?"

"Well, honestly, I think we should remove the chips. I would suggest testing their effects, but I don't think it's feasible. I don't know how to deactivate the protocol once it's operative."

"We need to talk to the Council."

"Patience, Master Kenobi," you smirked mischievously. "I don't think they would be very helpful until we have concrete evidence of the chip's functionality. Besides, we need to be very very secretive with this information. We don't want the Chancellor to give the Order before we have secured all the troopers."

"Very well. I'll follow your lead, Y/n."


The Venator-class star destroyer was even more massive than what you had expected as you entered the Negotiator's hangar. It was quite scary, really.

Obi-Wan had set you up in the room next to his quarters on the ship, reserving an area in the medical bay for your work as well, after informing his clone commander of the situation.

All was set up for the operation in the morning, and you had studied the best approach to retrieve the chip. However, you turned and wrestled with your sheets until late. You were scared shitless. For the procedure tomorrow, but most of all for what - who - would visit you in your sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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