Chapter 19:

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Do the Jedi know?

After briefing Obi-Wan on the Separatist plans, the Jedi had been too busy to help uncover the truth about the clones. However after more than two years on the med station, you had finally managed to get your hands on the mystery behind the freaking radiological artifact.

The perfect case arrived soon after your return to the med station. You followed a trooper that had sustained a significant chest trauma. The guy clearly wasn't going to make it through the night, but you still managed to convince the medical droid to perform a whole body atomic scan. You were quite taken aback, when the results came up.

The machine indicated the presence of a growth made from organic material - it's a tumor? Present in every clone? How is this possible?! Obviously you had to perform an autopsy to figure out what exactly it was made of and how it might interfere with the organism.

At 3.48 in the morning, the trooper passed, and you personally escorted the body to the empty morgue. You couldn't officially request the autopsy, as it would be on record, so you locked the doors and quickly got to work.

The room was eerily quiet while you were removing the scalp from around the cranium. The silence was broken only by the high pitched buzzing of the saw to open the skull. You cut the meninges with scissors and exposed the brain, carefully taking it out. You cut the tumor off and analyzed it under a microscope.

A minuscule chip of what seemed to be organic material was embedded in the trooper's prefrontal cortex. This was definitely strange. There was no such finding in any official report concerning the clones. Now you needed to find out the device's uses and who put it there. There's no way the Kaminoans didn't know. If this is in every single clone, they certainly have something to do with it. Question is, do the Jedi know?

After giving the tiny bacta canister with the evidence to Betty for safe keeping, you decided to ask for temporary leave. A month of 'holiday' was just what you needed, so you set out for Coruscant.


You went to your old clinic in the underworld to meet an old colleague.

"Hi!" You squeezed their shoulder, "how long has it been?"

"At least a couple of years! What are you doing here? I thought you were away through the galaxies, treating handsome troopers."

"I was. I took a holiday to come home. Actually, I came here to ask for help."

"What is it?"

"An acquaintance of mine recently called," you had rehearsed the lie all the way back to the core planets. "He works in the outer rim, and he discovered a chip in the brain of one of his patients. He asked me if I had any idea where one could analyse it."

"Oh, and how would I know?!"

"You were always the most tech savvy in the clinic, so it couldn't hurt to ask."

"Perhaps, if I remember correctly there might be a machine able to read microchips at the Grand Republic Med, however I'm not sure if someone external from the hospital can access it."

"Don't worry. I'll see if I can find something more suitable, perhaps somewhere in the Outer Rim."


At night you went to the hospital after taking a drug inducing vomiting.

"Excuse me," you gagged, "I have been puking for the past two hours non stop. I feel very sick, can you help me?" Your voice was gravelly, and you were white as a ghost.

A doctor escorted you to a patient room and examined you.

"Is there any chance you might be pregnant?"

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