Chapter 15:

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Honorary member, right?

"Have you ever been to Mandalore, dear?"

"No, but I've heard a lot about it, Sir"

"Well, your new assignment is there. The Council has ordered an investigation on the Duchess. Allegedly, she has been assembling an army against the Republic."

"And you want me to go as well?"

"Exactly, Y/n. I only need you to observe the Jedi envoy and to get evidence of the government's involvement with the Separatists. Having them join the enemy would be a huge disadvantage for the Senate."

"Who is the Master assigned to this mission?"

"General Kenobi, I am afraid."

"Then I hardly think my investigation there will bring any new intel. He is the best diplomat I know."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Your presence will likely be fundamental."

"You don't trust him to carry out the mission?"

"I know he has a past with the Duchess, I worry that might hinder him from finding out the whole truth. Who knows, he might even cover it up for the sake of his devotion."

"Oh," that you did not expect. Like, at all. All his talk about attachments now made a lot more sense. Would Obi-Wan really forsake his morality for the Duchess? Would he fall to the dark side if something were to happen to her? Was she a past lover? Or maybe still a current one? The thought irked you to no end. The image of some noble woman in his arms, kissing him-

"Are you alright, dear?" The Chancellor noticed your thoughtful eyes wandering around as your mind played all the possible theories about Obi-Wan's involvement with Satine.

Shit- the comm was still on. "Yes, I'll be on my way, then."


Sundari looked quite similar to Coruscant, except the colors. The city was much lighter, almost aseptic and conceited. You had barely started the mission, yet every part of you was already dreading it.

You followed the Duchess and the Jedi on their walk. Something about her irritated you deeply. You weren't sure if it was her harsh and know-it-all demeanor or the way she looked at Kenobi. Definitely her proud and almost haughty bearing exasperated you to the core.

She offered her hand to him, and he took it, watching their conjoined limbs so longingly - yes, that definitely annoyed you.
You had the sudden impulse to walk over and just bash Obi-Wan's head on the edge of a bench, however you limited yourself to making faces at their interaction. The way they were so obviously involved - in the past? Maybe, perhaps even now - made you nauseous.
Of course Master Kenobi would fall for a Duchess, an influential and privileged and smart - and irritatingly beautiful, and fair - woman. Of course, all the intimate moments you'd had in the past few months were merely senseless games that didn't hold any deeper meaning for the arrogant Jedi.

Not being able to take this anymore, you gave up and followed another lead. Mandalorian mercenaries were exiled on Concordia, so that was your next destination. In your research you had found many abandoned mining facilities - sounds like the perfect place for a criminal hideout.


The moon was a rocky planet, covered in scarce vegetation. The only trees present were still short and didn't contribute much in creating a more welcoming environment.

You stealthily entered a dark tunnel, following it until you got lost in the mining maze. You turned a corner when you heard steps coming your way. Your body pushed up against the wall, in a futile attempt to hide in the shadows.
When the Mandalorian soldier closed in on you, you aimed a shot at him but the blaster bolt practically reflected off of his armor - well, shit. The guard, alerted of your presence, quickly disarmed you. A punch to your face made you stumble and fall to the ground. Your hands fumbled in the dirt, trying to regain balance as the walls spun around you. You felt some sort of metal rod under your fingers, so you grappled it and smashed it against the dude's knees. As the soldier collapsed near you, crying out in pain, you gave a final blow to his helmet and knocked him out cold.

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