Chapter 14:

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A/N: light smut ahead, very light

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A/N: light smut ahead, very light. Still, BEWARE

You checked over Obi-Wan one last time, a few days later. He had no pain nor any trouble breathing, and his scans were normal. Color had returned to his face, and his cheeks were a cute pink color.
The bruises on his body were starting to become discolored, and they didn't hurt much anymore. You allowed yourself only five seconds to look him over in this state of undress before telling him you were done with the visit. Boy, you sure hoped Jedi couldn't read thoughts, 'cause the ones flashing in your mind were sinful.

You cleared your throat in an attempt to rid yourself of the flutter rising in your lower belly, "well, I'll be going with Ahsoka back to Ord Cestus. You'll be okay, yeah?"

"Yes, don't worry about me," his features softened as he glanced at you through his lashes.

"You're welcome, by the way - not that you would know what gratitude is." It seems teasing him has become your new favorite hobby.

"You mistake me, darling." What in the universe... you blushed furiously as the Jedi grinned smugly. He must be doing it on purpose to annoy you. You hoped your previous ogling didn't spur him on. "I am very grateful for you, Doctor L/n. You did an amazing job with the medical team from what I have heard. And with me as well."

The heat on your face persisted with his praises, but a smile tugged on the corners of your mouth. "I'm just glad I could help."


On the trip back to the med station, you tried to sleep a bit. You laid in your cot for an hour, shifting and turning.
The room was a bit cold, so you covered your body up to your chin and curled up in a ball.
The position was very uncomfortable with your shivering, and the sheet felt itchy and weird on your dry skin.

Your mind wouldn't shut up. It kept sending you images of the last conversation you had with Obi-Wan, and his deep voice when he called you 'darling'. This is so wrong! He was vulnerable, half naked on the exam table, - where is your professionalism?! - so you tried with all your will to repress the picture. However, your dumb, moronic brain kept coming back to that. Until, it got much worse.

You started wondering what his hands would feel like on your skin, your back, your buttcheeks, your throat, even inside of you- no, stop, Y/n! How he would whisper all his idiotic pet names in your ear, perhaps in a more intimate situation. How his body would feel pressed up against yours, all sweaty and slick- enough! Stop thinking and sleep! But you didn't.

Your hand trailed down your belly, hesitating at the hem of your panties. Fuck it, I need to warm up and relax one way or another. Your fingertips lightly grazed your clit as shivers ran along your legs. Your mind went back to your fantasy, to the way your insides would explode with every sharp thrust of his cock. You imagined looking down between the two of you and seeing him penetrate you, ruin you. Beads of sweat spurted from your skin and trailed down your neck as it got steamier in your room. You traced the dampness of your folds and-

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