Chapter 17:

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Are you seeking revenge?

After telling your Boss of the Death Watch's plans you had given to the Duchess, he tore you a new asshole.

"Why in the universe would you share that with her?"

"Sir, it seemed logical at the time. Death Watch is targeting her and her planet."

"She is against the Republic! By giving those plans to her, she now needs no help from us!"

"The Senate should be safeguarding other planets as well, not just gatekeeping information in order to win this war, Sir. The goal is peace not bringing war where it is not necessary."

"Careful, Y/n, this almost sounds like treason," a slimy smile erupted on his lips, making your skin crawl.

"Boss, you know I am faithful to the Republic. I was just trying to do the right thing."

"Yes, I know, but unfortunately it will cost you your job."

"What- What do you mean? I have been working for you for years-"

"You have failed me for the last time. You're fired, and be grateful I don't report you for high treason."

You were stunned into silence, merely able to slightly bow your head in goodbye before leaving.

Something is not right with Palpatine. He didn't trust you anymore, and you doubted your own trust in him as Supreme Chancellor. He didn't want to help Mandalore. He doubted the Jedi Council. He was acting selfishly, and only cared about the Republic's power - his power - forsaking the good of the people. Perhaps this wasn't the man you had first met anymore.


Seeing as you now were a free agent - yup, we're calling it that at the moment because you were still in denial - you went to investigate Dookie's lair on your own, hoping he would not sense your presence.

You parked your ship far enough from his palace and sneaked inside through the vent system.

"I can smell his stench a parsec away," a hissing voice resounded in the enclosed space, so you started quickly crawling in the opposite direction.

As you reached the control room, you booked it for the control panel. You copied all the data down in your main drive and were trying to track the calls he had received from a certain 'Master', when Dookie himself appeared through the door - fuck, this is inconvenient.

You froze mid-motion when you noticed he was fighting with the air? What the hell is going on?! You couldn't see anyone except Dookie fencing with three floating lightsabers - that is some weird training method.

The Count looked as steady as a marble pillar as he moved quickly and deadly through the hall. He agilely dodged and blocked every blow as the buzzing of the weapons drew nearer your end of the room.

Luckily he hadn't noticed you yet, but the tracking was taking too long.

A bump on the other side of the desk made you halt completely. Dookie grunted as his body hit the floor, and his saber flew to the corner of the room.

Shit, he was exactly on the opposite side of the control panel. Not even 50 centimetres of metal and wires stood in between the two of you. You held your breath in anticipation. Fear was starting to course through your veins, and you tried to relax as much as possible in order for him not to sense you.

That was until lightning was released from his hands onto three almost invisible figures, who were then launched through the window. Now, you definitely let yourself panic.

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