Chapter 7:

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Over the next few months, you were dispatched to the Ord Cestus medical station in the Outer Rim, and worked in close contact with the injured clones

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Over the next few months, you were dispatched to the Ord Cestus medical station in the Outer Rim, and worked in close contact with the injured clones. Your progress in studying them was slow going, but these things take time. Surprisingly you also often worked with Kit, as he was leading missions in the nearby areas, and his troopers always needed to be patched up after. You had come to consider him a good friend, and the feeling was mutual - for once.

It was no surprise when you received a comm call from him one night as you were reading. "Hi, Kit, I'm finishing up on a chapter. Give me a sec, I'll call you right back."

"Actually, Y/n, it's for work."

"Oh, what happened? Are you okay?" Concern was evident on your face.

"Yes, I'm fine, but unfortunately we have information that Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker have been taken hostages by pirates."

"Shit! How did they even-"

"And Count Dooku."

"What the fuck?!"

"We have sent the ransom for them, but it was stolen."

"Typical, so why are you calling me though?"

"Well, seeing your past experiences with pirates, I thought you could help us." Kit scratched his green head tresses, looking at you sheepishly.

"How much did you tell the council about me?"

"Oh nothing really, just your name, and that you could help deal with the situation."

"Mmm, fine. I'll help. Only because I still owe you for not kicking me out of the temple archive. But after this, my debt is cleared."

"Sure, I'll send some troopers to accompany you."

"Actually, I work alone."

"Not happening. You'll take two clones with you at least."

"Fiiiine, but they'll answer to me and do everything I say!"

"That can be arranged."

"Actually add another trooper to the list."


Three tall men stood at attention in front of you.

"At ease, guys. I'm Y/n," you smiled brightly at them. "What are your names?"

"I am Commander Cody, and these are Captain Rex and Trooper Echo." The one with the big scar on his face spoke.

"Nice to meet you. Now, I'll need you three to follow my orders to the letter when we get there. Can you do that?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oh, just Y/n will be fine."

"Very well. Our ship is ready when you are."

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