Chapter 8:

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Rex helped you to the sofa, letting you collapse on the soft cushions

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Rex helped you to the sofa, letting you collapse on the soft cushions. You groaned trying to adjust, "thank you, Rex-O boy." You laughed with some difficulty, as the clone blushed wildly, going to punch Cody's arm, "thanks a lot, brother."

"Hey guys, there's liquor in the kitchen cabinet, can you get it?" You instructed - after a fight with pirates, what better way to celebrate other than with a heavy drink?

"Sure thing."

So you all drank Prow and chatted animatedly about your fighting skills. Anakin recounted some of the 501st's most exciting battles for you - upon your request of course - while Cody and Echo told embarrassing stories about Rex to mess with him.

"That was stupid, Miss L/n." Those were the first words Obi-Wan uttered after an hour long silent brooding. The bitterness in his tone compared to the one in your mouth from the Prow.

"No, you getting caught by pirates was stupid. Tell me, Master Kenobi, how exactly did that occur?" - here we go again with another verbal sparring between the two of you...

"No matter." He escaped your gaze, but continued, "putting yourself in danger like that was heedless. You should have let my men handle the crew. What were you thinking coming here?!"

"I came to rescue your stupid ass, again. You know, you could show a tiny bit of gratitude for once in your life."

"You could have died! They could've killed you!"

"Unlikely. As you have seen multiple times, I can hold my own."

"One of them was about to have his way with you."

"If you hadn't distracted me on the comlink, that would have never happened!"

"Still, it was reckless. You should have never come get us."

"If you really want, we can turn the ship around and leave you back there."

As the two of you yelled at each other, the other passengers left you to it, silently moving to the bedrooms.

"How did you even know where to find me?!" Obi-Wan's face was getting redder by the minute.

"Kit sent for me."

"Kit?!" He growled, "he should've never done that. I'll have a word with him once we get back," the Jedi angrily muttered to himself

"You'll do no such thing, Kenobi. He asked me to come get you knowing my past relations, and you will leave him out of this."

"You mean past relations as a pirate yourself?! As a Nihil?!"

"Careful with your tones now, Master, you are dangerously close to insulting me in my own ship," you seethed. "You can either drop it or sleep in the engineering room tonight."

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