Chapter 18:

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Not exactly simple

You managed to have Dookie add you in the tournament last minute by asking an old friend of yours for a favor 'no questions asked'. They owed you anyway. You reached Serenno on a rented ship and disguised yourself with the Death Watch armor you had repainted in your favorite color.
You were fully conscious this was probably a suicide mission, but you didn't find it in you to care.

Hardeen cannot die in the Box.

The Box was a tournament created by Moralo Eval to choose six of the most skilled bounty hunters to assist Count Dookie in a special mission against the Republic. Nice. This way you could kill two birds with one stone.

As soon as you entered a white, empty room, green dioxis gas started flooding it, and you immediately held your breath. Some pillars rose from the ground, and all of you managed to get on top of a column. You specifically chose the one with Rako on it.
After seeing no exit on the ceiling, an idea popped into your head. You lightly shoved Hardeen and pointed to the floor, "can't go up, we go down."

"You! What are you doing here?!" He must've recognized your voice.

"Shut up and follow me."

You deactivated the gas and followed the tunnel as Rako alerted the others of the exit route.

The second task was a bit harder.
Many rows came out of the walls with laser spikes on their loose ends. You were lucky the beskar armor protected you from the weapons, as you would have been hit a couple of times - your reflexes weren't the best.
You looked around you but couldn't locate the way out - well, this is certainly inconvenient.

Rako suddenly ran to you, grabbing your hand and dragging you along.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Come on, I know the way out." What- Why in the universe would he be helping you?! This man was fucking weird.

The two of you leaped from one row to the other as you closely followed Hardeen's moves. At one point, the jump was too big, and you ended up hanging onto the row by your hands, shit. Rako stopped and hauled you upwards onto your feet, before dragging you along once again. At the top, he told you to go first, and you reluctantly did - what is his deal?

As you reached the third room, a platform rose from the ground and ray shields appeared on every surface around you.
A green serum was given to the group, but only one individual could use it without dying to become immune to the shields. You studied the fluid intently.

"Derrown, you have to do this," you handed the vial to the squid-like bounty hunter.

While Bane doubted you, Rako interjected, "she's right. He's a Parwan. His blood can take the electrolytic serum."

As Derrown extended his hand to the shield's switch, the platform narrowed further. Your foot slipped as the cubes moved around, but Hardeen got a hold on your bicep, so you wouldn't fall down. A few people died before the way to the next task was opened.

Rako volunteered himself for the next challenge and hit every target with the sniper rifle, until he was left without bolts. Eval went for the control on his wrist, eager to have Hardeen fall to his death, but both you and Bane caught Rako's wrists with cables and dragged him to his feet.

"If you're gonna kill him, do it like a man," was the only justification Bane gave for your actions, and Count Dookie agreed.

The fight between the two bounty hunters was vicious, as punches and kicks were exchanged.
Moralo tried using the architecture of the room to his advantage but eventually found himself on his backside at Rako's mercy. The latter however chose to spare him his life, and so the seven of you were briefed on Dookie's plan to kidnap the Chancellor on Naboo.

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