Chapter 11:

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The Thing

Darkness encompassed your surroundings, with only small rivulets of lava dripping along the walls of the infinitely long tunnel

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Darkness encompassed your surroundings, with only small rivulets of lava dripping along the walls of the infinitely long tunnel. The silence unnerved you. The crunching of soil under your boots and Betty's beeps, as she scanned the place, created an eerie soundtrack to your wandering. A dull pressure built on your chest, the longer you walked. An invisible cloak pushed your shoulders further and further down, until you felt like a small, forsaken creature lost in a maze. This place, hell, the whole planet, was an entity of its own. A personification of the Dark side. An invisible sense of doom seeped in your bones with every step.

It took hours before the two of you reached an opening in the mining system. A small beacon of reddish light illuminated the empty room, creating ominous shapes on the walls of the cave. You slowly crossed the area, cautiously looking around, when a deep grumble stopped you in your tracks. "Betty, please tell me that was your stomach," the humor came out of your mouth with a strong nuance of apprehension.

Heavy steps made you aware of someone - something - behind you, and your hairs stood straight along your spine. You stiffened immediately, scrunching up your face, and your heart started beating irregularly. Your lungs burned as every passing breath was more difficult than the one before. Every muscle in your body told you to run, hide, move - hell, do something! Don't just stand there!

You slowly turned your head, fixing your gaze on the infernal abomination that was waiting to feed on you. Gray skin, 7 foot tall, four arms, fangs - that is all your brain computed, making bile rise in your throat - what the fuck is this?!

Betty decided the best thing to do at the proper moment was take a scan of the fuckery, I mean why not? this wasn't some humongous, feral beast just waiting for a wrong move on your part to devour you whole, right? RIGHT?! The blue light from your droid's photoreceptor seemed to be the exact stimulus the horrifying monster needed to jump you.

A huge hand grasped your legs and had you dangling in the air from your feet as a blood-curdling scream left your mouth. Shit, shit, fuck! The monstrosity was bringing you to its mouth, so obviously you tried to punch its head - great idea, Y/n.

Enraged, the thing slammed you down on the floor, and you tried to shield your head with your upper limbs. Something cracked eerily, and your right arm fell limp. Pain enveloped your shoulder, but the adrenaline rush you were experiencing numbed it slightly.

The beast's claws still clung furiously to your figure, constricting your chest. Fuck it, let's go for it - your left hand went for your blaster, and you started to shoot around. Your aim wasn't the best using your non-dominant side, but with the many shots, you indeed managed to hit the beast a couple of times. That was until it decided to just throw you to the wall. Your body harshly slammed against the rocks, sending agonising bolts of pain through your every bone. Your forehead must've hit a sharp edge because hot blood spilled on your face in rivulets. Your vision doubled, and you couldn't stand straight from the aching of your body, but you ran - or rather limped - for the exit to the cave, hoping it would be too small for that monster to follow you.

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