Chapter Thirty-Three: Filla Fantôme?

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        My face remained stoic and emotionless as I looked up at Nico with dead eyes.

"Where is she?" I asked Nico, cutting straight to the point as I made my way inside the warehouse. Every guard made sure to bow their heads in respect as I passed by. I left Jordan's house not too long ago to figure out what to do with the girl. She could be dangerous for all I know and I need to take care of it even if that means burying her six feet under. You may think that's extreme but you haven't seen what I've seen. Kids can be dangerous too, more so than some of the adults I've seen.

"Downstairs, Mattia locked her up in one of the cells." He informed me as I made my way there.

I opened the door that leads downstairs, making sure to scan my fingerprint to unlock it. The scent of flesh and fresh blood instantly entered my nose, causing it to flare at its foul smell.

"Has she spoken?" I asked Nico as we walked through the corridor. Nico hesitated but ultimately shook his head no.

"She won't speak and we didn't want to torture her without you seeing her first." He explained himself.

I hummed.

As soon as I made it to the cell, I looked to my left and was flabbergasted at what I saw next. The young blonde girl was beat up beyond repair; scars and bruises littered her pale skin like nothing I've never seen before. Her hair was dirty and matted, it almost looked like one big dreadlock. She was sitting on the floor in the corner of the cell shaking, keeping her legs tucked under her arms, holding them close.

"Mattia." I called him, catching his attention as he stood inside the cell, watching over her causing the girl to tense up.

"Boss." He bowed his head in acknowledgment.

"Has she spoken?" I asked.

"No, I tried to get her to speak and she just won't." He shook his head with frustration.

I hummed again. I stared at the girl with hard eyes as I observed her. She wore some ripped up pants and a shirt that had multiple holes and stains on them. I'm sure it hasn't been washed in months from the looks of it. This girl was definitely neglected and abused by that man.

"Leave us." I demanded.

"But boss she could-" Mattia started before I cut him off.

"Leave us." I said once again but this time more sternly.

Mattia and Nico hesitated but eventually nodded their heads and left. I entered the cell but stayed a good distance away from her. I leaned back against the cell bars, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched her.

"If you don't speak, you will die. That is how it always ends here. I will give you thirty seconds to make a decision before I make a decision for you." I calmly voiced.

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