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Flashback to after the play
Nathan's POV

"Has anyone seen y/n?" I ask the other cast members. They all shake their head so I just grab my things and head over by the pool doors where everyone agreed to meet up. There was a lot of people there when I got there and I immediately went over to y/n's dad. "Nathan! It's good to see you again! You did great in the show tonight! This is y/n's mom" he introduces her to me and I hold out my hand for a handshake and introduce myself, "hi I'm Nathan, y/n's boyfriend." But she looks me up and down, scoffs, and ignore my handshake. I awkwardly put my hand down.

I'm not surprised that happened, y/n said her mother was very supportive of anything she does. "Speaking of y/n, do you know when she will be coming out?" Her dad asks. "Oh- I thought she was already out. No one else has seen her since the show ended..." I say and I can tell his facial expression changes into a more concerned one.

After around 15 minutes and still no sign of y/n We all begin looking for her. "Yknow how she is, she's a bolter." I hear Justin say. "Do you know where she is punk?" I grab him by the collar. "Woah chill bro, I got no idea. I'm sure she just needs to like, chill for a sec" he explains and I annoyingly let him go. Did I seriously make her that upset about the flower thing, that she would just leave and flake on everyone?

The present
Y/n's pov

It was now dark time and Frank dropped me off at Blackwell. I didn't want anyone to see me so that's why I waited. I snuck in over to the boys dorms and prayed no one would see me. I slipped inside and immediately went over to Warrens room. His door was open because I told him I was on my way so I just walked in and shut the door behind me. "Hey y/n!" He says. "Hey Warren, uh I have an idea for our project." I tell him. "I'd love to hear it" he says. "We could do the chemistry behind addiction. Thats why I've been gone, my uh- friend...she passed.." I look down trying not to cry. "That's an excellent idea y/n let's get started....im sorry for your loss I hope your okay." He says and to my surprise he gives me a hug.

We begin working on our project for the next couple hours. Though me and Warren weren't necessary close I knew he was someone I could go to if I needed anything. I told him about Steph and how she was the only reason I made it through rehab and how I can't believe she's gone. I cried a couple of times, and unfortunately Warren wasn't...great at comforting people. I could tell he was trying though.

"It's getting late, you have school tomorrow I should go." I tell him and begin grabbing my things. "You won't be coming to school tomorrow?" He asks. "No- uh I won't. If anyone asks, don't tell them anything please." "Of course y/n." I walk out of his room with my things and just as I was about to leave the dorms I hear, "y/n?" I turn around and see Nathan leaving his room. His eyes were puffy and red, like he'd been crying, or he was really high. "Where the helm have you been?" He asks. "N-Nathan I don't wanna argue right now, I don't feel well. I just wanna go home and sleep." I tell him. "Look I'm sorry about getting mad about the flowers. Sorry I didn't like seeing someone who's obviously in love with you give you a romantic gift!" He says a lot louder than I would've hoped.

I walk closer to him and say, "god Nathan this isn't about those fucking flowers. My best friend died! Sorry I didn't wanna go to some stupid ass dinner right after I found out! Sorry I wanted to be alone for one fucking second!" His face changes, "what? Who?" He asks. I start to cry and I fall into his arms. "S-Steph..." I tell him. "Y/n...I'm so- so sorry..." he says. He walks me into his room. We lay on his bed and I sob into his chest as he plays with my hair.

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