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Y/n's POV

It was early morning before school. I took a pill that I had gotten from Frank a while back that I had forgot I even had. To be honest I don't even remember what the pill was all I knew is it was gonna give me the buzz I needed.

I haven't been getting much sleep anymore and I was over the edge from sneaking around with Nathan. It was exhausting and as much I love and care about him sometimes I wonder if it's worth it. Do I wanna be with someone who wants to keep me a secret? I don't know...

Not only was that stressing me out but so was the play which was this Saturday. I got dressed and grabbed my school stuff. I walked out of my room and saw all the people who were talking in the halls outside of their room. As I walked by to get to the exit I hear Dana talking to Juliet about how sweet Trevor is and how she's so happy she has a boyfriend like him.

I sighed. I'm happy for her but I wish I got to act like that. I leave the dorms and head to class. In chemistry it's a work day for a project and me and Warren are partners. As we're working I say, "you're a lot better at science than I am Warren." He laughs and says, "well if you ever need help you know how to ask".

After chemistry I had art which I took the time to add some final touches to some of the props for Romeo and Juliet. I was able to do this because it was a work day and I had already finished the project we were working on.

After art I went to lunch, where I sat with with Trevor and Justin. When Nathan walked by our table to go sit with the other vortex club members we made eye contact, where as other couples would sit together or even say a quick 'hey'. We couldn't do that though, instead I had to listen to Justin talk about how much he hates Nathan Prescott.

"He's an asshole, thinks just cause his dads rich means he can treat everyone else like shit" Justin says. That's how most people view Nathan, but they don't see the real version of him.

"Y/n you okay?" Trevor asks. I look up from poking at my food and say "yeah just tired." It seems like I've been saying that a lot lately and people take it as an answer but no one ever asks why I'm tired.

"Well I'm sure you're excited for the play right? Dana won't stop talking about it" Trevor says
"Uh yeah- I guess, it's a little stressful. Plus I don't get to watch it, I just stand behind the curtains most of the time." I say numbly.

"Well either way we will be there to cheer you on!" Justin cheers. "You guys got tickets?" I ask. "Of course! This is your favorite play we wanna see what it's all about!" Justin seems oddly excited but I wonder if it's genuine or if it's him being high.

After lunch I head home and do the whole thing again the next day.

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