chapter - 2 ( The general)

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Minister daehyung is now sitting infront of the The great general Jeon Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook, at the age of 23 he got the title " General" and now at the age of 26 he got another title " The great."

Now he is not only the general of this country he is also the most trusted person by the emperor.

He is more famous then crown prince among the people for his bravery. He saved this country from enemies many times. He was cruel and merciless while fighting with his enemies.

The only thing that people don't like about him is his coldness. He was ice cold in person, always carrying an heavy aura around him. His eyes would be blank all the time, It was impossible to know what he's thinking.

Like right now minister daehyung is trying his best to read his face but he can't see a single line or movement on his face. He sighed and said

" Trust me I will be on your side. I won't break my promise. But in return you have to fulfill your promise. "

" As long as you keep your promise I will keep mine "  Jungkook took a sip of his tea and looked at the minister with cold eyes.

Daehyung stood up from his place and said " Okay then I will inform the emperor and search for a auspicious day as soon as possible. "


" Are you sure about it master ? This is a big dicision, You don't know if his son will be loyal to you...." Namjoon the bodyguard of the general asked him after daehyung left with his bodyguard's but stopped when he saw Jungkook raising his hand gesturing him stop.

" You know what happen to the people who don't stay loyal to me " Said Jungkook making namjoon looked at his sword.

Namjoon knows how cruel Jungkook can be to the people who betray him. He would literally bath with their blood.

But this time he was still worried cause Jungkook finally decided to get married and he wanted Jungkook to be happy. He can easily marry anyone even prince or princess from other countries but he choose to marry a submissive son of the minister he doesn't really like. This is business nothing else. He came out of his thoughts when Jungkook said

" You know how important this deal is namjoon. "

Namjoon sighed. He knew.

" Ask jimin to start the preparations. "


Daehyung came home and asked everyone to meet him a the hall room.

" What happened dear ? " Asked Minji.

" I have a good news for everyone. "

Daehyung cupped jiwoo's face and said " I have fixed your wedding. "

Jiwoo got really happy hearing this. He held his father's had and said
" With the crown prince right ? And I will be his main wife right? "

Daehyung sighed " jiwoo dear, I know your dream and you have to trust me on this. I choose the best for you. I fixed your marriage with the General jeon Jungkook. "

Jiwoo was furious hearing this. He always dreamt of marrying the crown prince so he can be future empress. There is no way he will marry a General that too jeon Jungkook who is known to be cold hearted.

" How could you father ? You knew I always dreamt of marrying the crown prince. I don't want to be just a general's wife "  jiwoo screamed at his father.

" Jiwoo, listen to me. Trust me on this. This is the best for you. Jungkook is the best option for you. He will take care of you, you will be his only wife, he won't take any concubine.

Please dear don't say no. Can't you do this for your father "  daehyung tried to make him understand but jiwoo was adamant.

Minji was confused why suddenly daehyung took this decision. She knew General wasn't a bad option but still crown prince is way better no matter what.

" I won't marry him no matter what "
Jiwoo said while looking at his father with determination making daehyung sigh.

" Okay then. I will talk to the emperor about you and crown prince. But remember one thing jiwoo, in future you will regret your choice. "

Daehyung then turned towards taehyung who was standing silently in the corner as always.

" Taehyung ? " He called making taehyung look up.

" Yes father."

" Would you like to marry the General? " He asked making taehyung sigh.

After getting leftovers clothes and food he is now getting a leftover marriage proposal by jiwoo.

" Do I have a choice father ? " He asked daehyung with a small voice making daehyung frown.

He took taehyung to their garden and made him sit infront of him. He then excused all the guards and held taehyung's hand.

" Dear, this marriage is really important for us. I already talked to him. If you marry him you will be his only wife, he wont take any concubine. He is good-looking, wealthy, people love him. Yeah I agree he is cold hearted but remember son this world is not a fairlytale. Few years later things won't be the same. As long as you stay loyal to him,
He will protect you and provide you with everything.

I really don't know how to make you understand but trust me and you will thank me in future. 

I won't say more. It will be your dicision at the end. "

Daehyung hoped taehyung say yes. His idiot son jiwoo don't even realise what he did by rejecting the general.

Taehyung was silent hearing all this. He didn't know what to do. One side he didn't wanted to take any leftovers from jiwoo anymore one the other hand he thought the general isn't a thing like clothes.

Now that he is 18 he keep thinking about his marriage. One side he can't wait to leave this household on the other side he is worried if his husband's household will be the same for him.

Atleast he will be away from his stepmother and stepbrother. He looked at his father who was looking at him hopefully.

" I am okay with this marriage. "

Daehyung smiled widely and couldn't help but hug his son.

" Thank you so much dear. You made me proud. I promise you won't regret your dicision. Just be a good wife to him. "

Jiwoo looked at his mother with anger. Minji looked at his son and sighed " I didn't know anything about this. I always told your about your love for crown prince I have no idea why he choose to ignore everything."

" That doesn't matter now mother. I am just angry at how that b**** is getting married to the general. "
Jiwoo was angry at the fact that taehyung said yes for this marriage.
Even though he said no to this marriage he knew marrying the general wasn't a small thing.

And he hated the fact that taehyung got something good. He hates taehyung and wants to see him miserable. He hoped that taehyung would die just like his mother.

" Relax dear. So what if he is going to be the main wife of the general, he will only enjoy the luxury nothing else.

Jeon Jungkook is known for his coldness he don't even bother to respect anyone other than the emperor. How do you think he will behave with taehyung. He said yes for this marriage thinking it's you when he will meet that manner less b****
He will regret marrying him.

And most of the time he will be busy leading the war he won't get any time for him. So just calm down and be happy your father went to talk to the emperor about you. "

Minji and jiwoo keep talking about all this while taehyung listened to them while standing at the entrance.

He was used to all this so he silently just went back to his room.

Tears started pouring from his eyes after recalling the word's about the general.

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