chapter - 14 ( Home )

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Jimin showed taehyung all the gifts he prepared for his family and asked
" Taehyung, do you want me add anything else ? "

" No need " Taehyung replied.

" Are you angry that master is not going with you ? It must be something really important. Don't worry he will join you and maybe will reach there before you. " Said jimin comforting taehyung.

Taehyung smiled and hugged jimin
" I will miss you. Why aren't you joining us ? "

" Master and you both won't be here so I have to take care of this household I can't. And I will miss you too. "

Jimin helped taehyung to enter the carriage. Min he and Jin he also entered after taehyung.

Taehyung was surprised seeing namjoon there. He asked why he didn't went with the general. Namjoon said Jungkook wanted him to be with taehyung.

The whole ride was silent and taehyung hated it. He realised with the general he finds peace in silence, without him it's just silence nothing else.

He was also nervous to go to kim household again. He didn't wanted to face them at all.

When they reached Kim household namjoon stopped the carriage and asked taehyung to come out.

Taehyung took a deep breath and came out of the carriage.

He saw his father, step mother with jiwoo and jisung. Four of them were standing in front of the gate to welcome them along with jiwoo's friends and few neighbours.

Taehyung walked to them and greeted them. Daehyung was really happy seeing taehyung, he could feel the aura around taehyung changed. He looked healthy, his face was glowing.

" Look at you. you changed so much in a short amount of time, in a good way ofcourse " said daehyung cupping taehyung's face.

Minji looked around not seeing the general and smirked.
" Taehyung, where is the general? He didn't came with you? "

" The general had more important things to do maybe. But feel bad for taehyung " Said one of jiwoo's friend.

" No need to feel bad for me..." Taehyung said making everyone surprised.

" I am proud my husband for prioritising his work. He is not just my husband, he is the general of this country and he had to prioritise his work to keep everyone safe. "

Daehyung smiled hearing taehyung. He liked how confidently taehyung answered.

" And I am proud of my son for his understanding. " Said daehyung caressing taehyung's head.

" But still at the end of the day you are coming home for the first time after your marriage. You know which people come back home alone after their marriage? "

" That's soo mean. What do you mean by that ? the general loves my brother. He could never right taehyung? " Said jiwoo looking at taehyung with a innocent face.

" Enough of all this..." Daehyung tried to make them stop when he saw something.

Everyone was shocked seeing at the general coming in a horse. He was wearing a black hanbok. His half of his hair was tied in a man bum while other half was flying in the air.
He looked like a prince from another country.

Jiwoo's heart skipped a bit seeing the general again.

The general stopped his horse and climb down. He walked beside taehyung and greeted his parents.

" Greetings father in law. I am late cause I had some work. "

Daehyung smiled widely and said
" I understand my son. I am happy you accepted my invitation. "

" Let me introduce you to my wife Kim minji, taehyung's step mother.
My son jiwoo and jisung. "

Jungkook only nodded and acknowledged them for few seconds. His attention was back on his wife.

He held taehyung's hand and said
" Don't be angry. See I am on time.."

Daehyung welcomed them inside and after they went inside the neighborhood couldn't stop talking about the way general looked at taehyung and held his hand.


Everyone sat on the dinning table for lunch. Today kim household was decorated beautifully as spring festival is here.

Daehyung even brought new chief's for few days. He wanted the best for the general.

In the table taehyung was sitting beside Jungkook and jiwoo was facing Jungkook along with minji.

Jiwoo couldn't help but looking at Jungkook time to time. He felt jealous seeing how taehyung was so close to him.

Taehyung could feel the stares but he held the corner of Jungkook's hanbok under the table and ate silently.

Jungkook started talking to daehyung about few things and he could also sense jiwoo's gaze. He decided to ignore it.

He focused on taehyung's bowl and added more fish soup saying it's good.
Taehyung obediently started drinking making Jungkook chuckle at his cuteness.

Daehyung felt relieved the slightest doubt he had for the general was gone. He was really happy seeing the general keeping his words and taking care of taehyung.

" I hope taehyung served you well. Forgive my son if he makes any mistakes. He is still young and not organise like our jiwoo. " Said minji with a smile making daehyung frown a little bit.

He found this really unnecessary. The general clearly seems pleased with taehyung. He looked at minji with a firm stare telling her she shouldn't have said it.

Minji understood daehyung was annoyed so she did what she's been doing for years.

" I don't mean anything bad. I am just worried about him.
I am mother after all. I raised him so if he does any mistake it will be seen
As his mother didn't teach him well. " She even shed few tears while saying this.

Daehyung felt bad maybe he should just leave minji alone when it's about taehyung. After all she is a mother she knows what's best for taehyung.

" Don't cry dear. I understand your emotions. "

Minji wiped her tears and looked at daehyung with a gentle smile.

" Taehyung didn't made any mistakes. Infact I am really happy have him as my wife. He is a wonderful companion. " Said Jungkook making taehyung look at him.

" That's good. I am relieved. " Minji could only reply.


Taehyung went to his chember while daehyung sent others out as he had something important to discuss with the general.

" Everything is going well. Just inform me when it's time. " Said daehyung.

" I have decided not to wait for the right moment since everything is going well. " Said Jungkook making daehyung sigh.

" I am just worried about my son. "

" He is now my wife not just your son and I will protect him. I already found a safe place for him.
And it won't take much time. " Said Jungkook.

" I hope so. "


Taehyung couldn't recognise his own room. It was decorated beautifully probably because the general was going to stay with him.

For some reason he just wanted to go back home. He didn't like stay here anymore. He already misses jimin.

" What happened ? " Asked Jungkook when he saw taehyung looking upset.

Taehyung looked at him and said " I miss home. "

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