chapter - 24 ( revenge )

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Taehyung was sleeping on Jimin's lap when they heard some noise from outside.

Taehyung opened his eyes and jimin went out to see what happened. He was shocked when he saw the guards were fighting with ten soldiers.

It seems like the soldiers were trying to get inside but the guards were holding them.

Jimin immediately went inside and grabbed taehyung's hand.

" We have to run. They are here. "

Min he and Jin he also came to the room.

Jimin opened the back door of the room and lead taehyung outside.

Min he and Jin he also followed them.

To their bad luck two soldiers already entered the room and saw them escaping. They started chasing them after telling others who were still fighting with the guards.

Jimin and taehyung ran away from the house as much as they could. But since taehyung was pregnant it was hard for him, he just couldn't run carelessly.

On the other hand min he and Jin he ran away leaving jimin and taehyung as they had no problem running.

" I can' anymore " said taehyung breathing heavily. Jimin rubbed his back for a moment then took him behind a big rock cause the soldiers were coming closer.

" They are near us. what should I do..." Jimin was anxious. There weren't many rocks and it won't take much time for the soldiers to know where they are hiding.

" Let them come " said taehyung after calming down.

" What ? " Jimin was confused seeing taehyung's calm face.

The soldiers came near them and started looking for them. One of the soldier came to see if they are behind the rock when he suddenly he got stabbed by a small knife, it came suddenly from no where. Blood started pouring out from his throat as he couldn't speak anymore.

He fell down on the ground getting attention from the other soldier.

When the other soldier came to see him he also got stabbed by a knife on his shoulder. He fell on his knees because of the pain and suddenly someone came infront him.

He looked up but before he could see the person stabbed him on his neck, in his defence he also held up his sword but before it could reach the person's body it got blocked by a dagger.

He felt down on the ground coughing blood violently and died.

Jimin who was seeing all this from the corner was shocked seeing taehyung fighting like this.

Taehyung hid his dagger in his hanbok and also hide the small knifes he had in his shoes.

For the past few weeks the general was teaching him how to use some of the self defence tricks incase he got attacked.

The small knifes were Jungkook's. they weren't just any other knife,they had some poison in them. The dagger he is using is the one min gave him.

He then held Jimin's hand they both ran.

Taehyung looked around to find a waterfall. Jungkook told him that there is a old couple live beside the waterfall.

" There..." Jimin pointed out towards a waterfall.

" Let's go..."


After fighting for hours finally Jungkook entered the palace. He got injured and blood was dripping from his body but he wasn't paying attention.

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